WARINTEK VISION To become Indonesia’s first leading world class company in the information technology industry with the utilization of intelegent and skillful local resources.
WARINTEK MISSION Empowering the community through IT ; To provide vast and accurate information access by facilitating the appropriate ICT solutions to the community and society; To unlock local IT resources for their hidden values in skills, intelligence, creativity and innovation; To deliver the new generation to the next frontier of the globalization era where information is the most essention part of human life.
SPIRIT AND GOALS To make information, science & technology a need, not a luxury; To accelerate public knowledge and experience in the utilization of the internet in life, as a form of public technology education; To enable an integrated real-time flow of accurate information from and to practically almost anywhere in Indonesia and with the global community; To build a massive database of market profile for market creation and thus creating the real digital economy; To reposition Indonesia in the world economy and regaining growth momentum through IT development.
What is WARINTEK ? (Technology Information Kiosk) Warintek is the technology information kiosk that provides computer access to internet and CD Rom of appropriate science and technology data for rural communities. Created in a “full package” so that any body (especially women) may easily access science and technology information.
Differences Warintek and Internet Kiosk Internet Kiosk Just Access / cyber café commercial Warintek Access S&T content Non profit Training Advices Local Content Dev.
OBJECTIVES OF WARINTEK To create reliable human resources on ICT To educate community about utilization of IT in order to increasing economic, welfare and nation culture save To realize community wich closely to science and technology and information ciltured
TARGETS OF WARINTEK Realized society awareness on science and technology information Realized service on science and technology information Documented and spreaded science and technology information to rural community and woman Created new SMEs based on interaction science and technology information
TARGET GROUP OF WARINTEK PROGRAMS Center / unit documentation and information of local government, public libraries Local govt, common and university library Profession association Small medium enterprise Non government information Cooperation Other user : student, lecture and researcher
GENERICS OF WARINTEK Incentive models External grant funding Franchise models Warintek co-op Mobile warintek School warintek Center of rural Tech Service Community Development Program Public radio Public television
Warintek for gender development: Many people, men and women farmers are inveted to Warintek to be trained on how to use and access the information needed. Cases 1 : in provinces of West and South Sumatra, women participants including women farmers are very active in searching of information on technology and market which related to their daily business and work through warintek access. About 10 to 20 people are coming to the kiosk and almost half of them are women
Cases 2 : case of Suryati (West Sumatra) Mrs Suryati is the owner of garment company in West Sumatra, she started her business in 1980 and employed 20 worker. She used computer with internet facilities. She knows about ICT from her son, who constructed a website for promoting their products. Since their website lunched, a lot of orders came from their costumers. The computer is also used for administration purposes. (source: APRI-HDRs – UNDP)
Cases 3 : case of Ni Wayan Resni (Bali) Ni Wayan Resni is one of women entrepreneur in Bali who started her small business in Almost 90% of her business now exported to Europe and USA. Almost 60 employees are working in her company. In early 1996, she was invested several ICTs, such as computer, printer, modem, scanner and digital camera. She take picture or new product design by using digityal camerea and save it on their computer. The firm do promotion and marketing by sending some pictures to potential buyers via . By using ICT, she has benefited in terms of fast communication with their costumers as well as promoting their business. (Source: APRI-HDRs – UNDP)