Noel Ellis Legume Genetics and Sport & Exercise Science What’s the connection?
Food legumes: peas, beans, lentils,... Protein Carbohydrate Oil Fibre Minerals high for plant derived food variable generally quite high various e.g. Se
What’s the connection?
The Olympic Games (of course) Olympia Pisa The inhabitants of Pisa founded the Olympic games in 776 BC & organised them until 572 BC. Pisum derives from Pisa where archaeological remains show that peas were cultivated by the ancient Greeks Sherwood (1898) Garden Peas J.RHS 22:
Food legumes are diverse, with useful nutritional properties Food composition can be controlled genetically This means we can define the genetics of nutritional properties and use this to create or identify functional foods. Three things I am going to say
ΔPlasma glucose mmol/l hrs mung bean starch maize starch glucose not all starches are the same Glycaemic index: staying power Modified from Rizkalla et al. (2002) Brit. J. Nutr. 88 S255-S262 The glycaemic potency of breakfast and cognitive function in school children. Micha et al. Eur J Clin Nutr : Nutritional Sciences Research Division, King's College London
Starch synthesis: genetic variation WT SBE1 ADPG PGMP SUS2 GBSSII SSI all of these wrinkled seed mutants are defective in an enzyme involved in starch synthesis. Hedley et al (2002) Starch/Stärke –242 WT r rb rug3 rug4 rug5 lam
Starch: genetic variation consequence for fibre progeny of the cross: JI281 x JI399 Rb rb Domoney & Charlton pers. comm. Sucrose Raffinose
sucrose raffinose stachyoseetc. - flatus + prebiotic claimed control of Clostridium, Salmonella & colon tumors (in rats) Guillon & Champ (2002) Brit. J. Nutr. 88 S293-S306 Raffino-oligosaccharides: RFOs α-galactosides
Starch: genetic variation it is not only starch that has changed so has the protein profile. 70kD 50kD 40kD 20kD rrbr/rbR/Rb Vicilin Legumin VicilinLegumin Casey et al. (2001) Nahrung/Food r rb r/rb R/Rb r rb r/rb R/Rb mg/g
Segregation of NMR peak intensity 20 RILs from JI281 x JI399 Metabolite profiling Genetic mapping of determinants of NMR spectral differences Charlton, Domoney et al pers. comm. NMR peak index (7.92 – 8.03 ppm)
QDiPS PCGIN Pulse Crop Genetic Improvement Network Thanks to: Julie Hofer Claire Domoney Adrian Charlton
Two views ‘Peas have great diversity’ George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier