Your Retiree Health Benefits
? Pre - 65 Retirement Years ? Post - 65 Retirement Years Your Retiree Health Benefits
Funding Your Medical, Vision & Dental Coverage Available – At City/FOP Cost Does Your Spouse Have Coverage Once You Drop City’s – Can’t Reenroll City Funding to 65 if Regular Retirement Eligible for Medicare (primary) at 65
Your Retiree Health Benefits ONE CIGNA NETWORK OF PROVIDERS FOR EVERYONE OpenAccessPlus is the same CIGNA network to be used for all 4 City plans – HMO1, HMO2, POS1, POS2 OpenAccessPlus is CIGNA’s single network of doctors & hospitals that will be used here in Florida and nationally Check out OpenAccessPlus for your Doctor(s) and Hospital(s) by calling or going to
Other Available Benefit Options If you are healthy – subject to health review, will most likely be costly Healthcare For Retirement
Management Retiree Health Funding Healthcare For Retirement
Management Retiree Health Benefits Healthcare for Retirement Years CITY CIGNA HMO1/2 CIGNA POS1/2 DHMO Den PPO Den EE $ $ $ $ $ $ EE+SP $ $ $1, $ $ $ EE+CH $ $ $ 1, $ $ $ FAM $1, , $ 1, $ $ $
Teamsters Retiree Health Funding ? Qualifying For Retirement Section 5.2 For bargaining unit members who retire on or after October 1, 2002, the City will contribute two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month for medical insurance benefits to members who retire under a normal retirement. This contribution shall remain contant until the member attains Medicare eligibility, at which time all contributions shall cease. Section 5.3 The City will mail the retiree medical insurance benefit to the retiree’s home address.
Teamsters Retiree Health Benefits ? Pre-65 Retirement Years CITY CIGNA HMO1/2 CIGNA POS1/2 DHMO Den PPO Den EE $ $ $ $ $ $ EE+SP $ $ $1, $ $ $ EE+CH $ $ $ 1, $ $ $ FAM $1, , $ 1, $ $ $
IAFF/FOP Retiree Health Funding Qualifying For Retirement Section 1. Effective October 1, 2000, the City will contribute four hundred dollars ($400) per month for health insurance benefits to Bargaining Unit members who retire from employment with the City after their Normal Retirement Date. This contribution shall become effective beginning the month following their termination from employment with the City after their Normal Retirement Date and shall cease upon the member attaining Medicare eligibility.
CITY CIGNA HMO1/2 CIGNA POS1/2 PPO Den EE $ $ $ $ $ EE+SP $ $ $1, $ $ EE+CH $ $ $ 1, $ $ FAM $1, , $ 1, $ $ IAFF Retiree Health Benefits ? Pre-65 Retirement Years
United Healthcare United Healthcare has a national network and you can live most anywhere in the US to access their network. Retirees that want to live in remote areas with less access to United Healthcare doctors can take the Choice Plus High Option PPO with out of network benefits at a higher premium and out of pocket cost
FOP Police Retiree Health Benefits <65 at full retirement Pre-65 Retirement Years FOP Police UHC Choice Plus Low Option UHC Choice Plus High Option PPO <65 Retiree only $ $ <65 Ret & SP $ $ <65 Ret & CH $ $ <65 Ret family $ $ 1,103.00
FOP Police Retiree Health Benefits >65 at full retirement Post-65 Retirement Years FOP Police UHC Choice Plus Low Option UHC Choice Plus High Option PPO >65 Retiree Only $ $ >65 Ret <65 Spouse $ $ >65 Ret + Children $ $ >65 Family $ $
FOP Police Retiree Health Benefits Over 65 at full retirement Post-65 Retirement Years FOP Police Over 65 UHC Choice Plus Low Option UHC Choice Plus High Option PPO >65 Retiree Only $ $ >65 Retiree & Spouse $ $
Medicare - Age 65 Options Today ? Post-65 Retirement Years Original Medicare Part A (hospital) Part B (physician) Medicare coverage is automatic when you turn 65, unless SSI Choice of doctors & hospitals within U.S. You pay deductibles A - $1132, Part B 20% coinsurance You pay monthly premium for Part B $ Need to join for a charge, Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. Plans run by private companies approved by Medicare. Check Formulary Medicare Advantage Part C Replaces Medicare Private companies Network driven usually local area HMO, PPO, POS Usually NO additional premium except for Part B unless you take a PPO Includes a Part D drug plan Today usually include dental, vision, trips to doctor, gym memberships, but this will be changing as companies are given less funding from the government Medicare Supplement Plans (private companies) Fills gaps in Original Medicare ALL plan benefits are defined by Government, but rates can vary by company Average cost today is $300 per individual Must be 65 Allows you to travel easily within the U.S. Does not cover dental, vision, hearing aides etc.
Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D Plan F* Plan G Basic, including 100% Part B co- insurance Basic, including 100% Part B co- insurance Basic, including 100% Part B co- insurance Basic, including 100% Part B co- insurance Basic, including 100% Part B co- insurance Basic, including 100% Part B co- insurance Skilled nursing facility co- insurance Part A deductible Part B deductible Part B excess (100%) Foreign travel emergency Plan K Plan L Plan M Plan N Hospitalizati on and preventive care paid at 100%; other basic benefits paid at 50% Hospitalizatio n and preventive care paid at 100%; other basic benefits paid at 75% Basic, including 100% Part B coinsurance Basic, including 100% Part B coinsurance, except up to $20 co-payment for office visit, and up to $50 copayment for ER 50% Skilled nursing facility coinsurance 75% Skilled nursing facility coinsurance Skilled nursing facility coinsurance 50% Part A deductible 75% Part A deductible 50% Part A deductible Part A deductible Foreign travel emergency Out-of- pocket limit $4620; paid at 100% after limit reached Out-of- pocket limit $2310; paid at 100% after limit reached
Questions to Ask yourself Can I change to generics to avoid the “Donut Hole” and reduce expenses. If cost is a factor, then an all inclusive Medicare Advantage plan more likely right choice If doctor is important, ask him what Med Advantage plans he takes. Plan on traveling a lot, Medicare and Supplement, may be the right option.
Personal Invitation If you want a one 1-on-1 to better understand your Medicare options I will gladly educate you on your options Barbara Stanley FOP Office 735 NE Third Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Your Retiree Health Benefits