Puesta del Sol Curriculum Night 2015 SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 OUR GOAL: 100% GROWTH AND 100% PROFICIENCY WELCOME FAMILIES !!
Supporting our students… 24 Passionate Spanish Immersion Teachers 6 Amazing Specialists in Art, PE, Music, Band/Orchestra and Library Special Education Resources: Special Education Teacher Resource Room Para-Educators OT/PT Specialists Speech/Language Specialist English Language Learner Facilitator
Supporting our students… Instructional Assistants to support students in the lunchroom, recess and in classrooms Main Office Staff School Nurse (on site 1.5 days/week) Counselor/Psychologist Custodians Nutrition Specialists to make and serve our lunches Instructional Technology Curriculum Leader Technology Specialist Dean of Students Pre-school and Before/After School Care Team
Puesta del Sol and the Bellevue School District
International Comparisons (PISA) Reading 1. Shanghai-China Bellevue School District 2. South Korea 3. Finland 4. Hong Kong 5. Singapore 6. Canada 7. New Zealand 8. Japan 9. Australia 10. Netherlands United States: #19 Math 1.Shanghai-China Bellevue School District 2.Singapore 3.Hong Kong 4.South Korea 5.Taipei 6.Finland 7.Liechtenstein 8.Switzerland 9.Japan 10.Canada United States: #34 Science 1.Shanghai-China Bellevue School District 2.Finland 3.Hong Kong 4.Singapore 5.Japan 6.South Korea 7.New Zealand 8.Canada 9.Estonia 10.Australia United States: #25 PUESTA DEL SOL – A WORLD CLASS LANGUAGE IMMERSION LEADER
What is contributing to our success? Common articulated curriculum Strong staff and leaders Instructional support (e.g., curriculum department, ITCLs, and more) “AP for all” mindset A strong network of partner organizations A community that strongly values education and supports schools through volunteering, levies, fundraising, voting, showing up The Bellevue Schools Foundation PUESTA DEL SOL – A WORLD CLASS LANGUAGE IMMERSION LEADER
Puesta del Sol’s Instructional Initiatives: Academic Success
Literacy : Text, Reading, & Comprehension (TRC) GRADES K-2
Grades K-2 End of Year TRC READING Scores
Grades 2-5 End of Year STAR READING Performance
Grades 1-5 End of Year STAR MATH Performance
Common Core State Standards Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) Pass Rates for PRELIMINARY SBA PASS RATES, per EDS Query GRADE 4 ELA56%77.3%85.9% GRADE 5 ELA58%79.4%84.4% GRADE 3 ELA52%72.9%84.2% MATH57%78.9%85.3% MATH54%80.0%81.5% MATH49%73.5%77.9% GRADES 3-5
Puesta del Sol’s Instructional Initiatives: College and Career Ready
B ELLEVUE S CHOOL D ISTRICT ’ S K-16 I NTERNATIONAL S PANISH A CADEMY Puesta del SolK-5 Full immersion with 1 hour of English instruction added in 3 rd – 5 th grades Tillicum Middle School6-8 2 classes each year within the academy as well as 8 th grade taking the DELE B1 Newport High School9-12 AP Spanish Language / Honors Hispanic Studies / AP Spanish Literature / Honors ISA & DELE B2 & UW 32 UW & Other Colleges12-16 35 UW Credits Possible via AP, UW in High School College Placement Exams for Language Degrees
A S LICE OF THE ISA P ROGRAM ’ S C OLLEGE AND C AREER R EADINESS 74 ISA Freshmen and Juniors in Spring of 2014: 630 UW Credits $173,514 Tuition Savings College and Career Ready
Elementary STEM Giving Students an Early Start
out of 50 1 st
21 st Century Skills Critical thinking Collaboration Problem solving Creativity
Next Generation Science Standards
Interest in science often begins in the elementary years
Engineering in Action Design challenges at each grade level. These complement the traditional FOSS science instructional materials.
Critical Thinking Professional development to support students: Constructing explanations in science Engaging in argument from evidence
It’s Not Just During the School Day… Family engineering night Robotics clubs: BeeBots, Lego WeDo, and Lego Mindstorms
Puesta del Sol’s Instructional Initiatives: Positive and Productive Life
CASEL: Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life.
BSD SEL Standards: 3 Goal Areas 31
K-5 SEL Progress Report Criteria 32
BSD K-5 SEL Curriculum Resources Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Target Audience Curriculum/Resource P-2Second Step & Child Protection Unit 3-5RULER P-12Virtues
Resource: Parent Toolkit
How can YOU help your student have a successful school year? Get Involved – PTA meetings and activities; volunteer opportunities Provide consistency in supporting your student Make sure that they are at school each day, on time! Entrance bell rings at 9:00 – attendance at 9:05 Check in with your student regarding their academic and social-emotional needs Ongoing communication between home and school Help them set routines at home for success Help your student learn necessary skills Independence and community Empower, not enable Every experience is a learning one
Nutrition Services
Puesta del Sol PTA
How can YOU help your student have a successful school year? Get Involved – PTA meetings and activities; volunteer opportunities Provide consistency in supporting your student Make sure that they are at school each day, on time! Entrance bell rings at 9:00 – attendance at 9:05 Check in with your student regarding their academic and social-emotional needs Ongoing communication between home and school Help them set routines at home for success Help your student learn necessary skills Independence and community Empower, not enable Every experience is a learning one