Elements Purposes Information targets Administration Scoring Analysis Reporting
Purposes Generate estimates of student achievement of important learning outcomes In order to: provide feedback to students, parents & teachers in relation to – other students in BC expectations or standards of performance provide information about the mean performance of various populations within the BC school system – schools, districts, the province, student sub-populations
Purposes Collect information about student traits, attitudes & perceptions Collect information about instructional conditions & practices Collect information about home & community characteristics & conditions In order to: investigate relationships amongst student, home & school traits and learning outcomes perhaps yielding instructionally relevant information about the learning performance of our students
Purpose JOA To identify, collect and analyze information related to students, schools and homes that could help educators, policy makers and the public better understand learning practices, student traits and perceptions, and instructional conditions and practices that have direct association with important learning outcomes.
Information targets Domains Achievement: The basics – reading, writing, arithmetic Other curricular areas – e.g.: science, physical activities, history, arts,... Cross curricular competencies Thinking – critical, creative reflective Communications – language & symbols, digital Personal & Social – identity, personal & social awareness and responsibility Attitudes & perceptions e.g.: self concepts, attitude to learning & schools, motivation, engagement,
Information targets Populations Students Schools School districts Province Other information Graduation / retention rates / absentee frequencies & patterns Physical health indices Social indicators – satisfaction, bullying reports, absentee rates, student/teacher engagement age / gradestatuscurricular location...
Administration Scheduling one time per cycle on demand within cycle – for individualized learning Tracks single track like current 12-month cycle or 3 year like PCAP or PISA, or... multi-track – annual for basic skills with more expansive, researchy cycle for the C 3 assessment
Cross Curricular Competencies Learning Standards Enduring Understandings
Administration Medium – paper/pencil, computer, performance/observational Scoring centralized classroom based on-line – analogous to current FSA with local report & central aggregation
Scoring Raw scores Transformed scores - normative Category levels – competency-standards related Test level Sub-tests Item level
Analysis Descriptive Comparative Relational Levels of aggregation Class/School/District/Province Student groupings – gender/status/location/...
Reporting Aggregation levels: Students & Teachers Schools School districts Province Audiences: Students & Parents Teachers & Schools School districts Province – the public/the Ministry
Reporting Content Descriptive – means, SD, distributions, correlations Comparative – jurisdictions/to standards & expectations/across time Relational – correlates of learning Commentary – informed & reasoned
end Miscellaneous Budget Security Teacher engagement Public interest & awareness Periodicity Monitoring – both the LSA & the responses