(1) Living Environment
Since 30 June 2002, 57 per cent of the aged population in Hong Kong has been living in public housing flats. The Housing Authority of Hong Kong will continue to provide the elderly in need preference to public housing through various allocation schemes, including (1) Living Environment (1) Rent Allowance for Elderly Scheme (2) Housing for Senior Citizen Scheme
The Housing Authority introduced the Rent Allowance for Elderly Scheme in August This scheme mainly helps the needy elderly to pay 40%-60% of their rent. (1) Rent Allowance for Elderly Scheme
There are two main types of housing for elderly provided by The Housing Authority. . Housing for Senior Citizens (HSC) . Small self-contained flats (2)HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZEN SCHEME
There are altogether three types of HSC. (located in lower floors of Small households Development) Housing for Senior Citizens (HSC) Harmony Blocks Housing for elderly Type 1 (converted flats in the lower floors of Harmony blocks) Type 2 Commercial building / Car parks Housing for elderly Small Households Development Housing for elderly Type 3 (above a commercial podium or car park)
Small self-contained flats NEW HARMONY ANNEX BLOCKS HARMONY BLOCKS SMALL HOUSEHOLDS DEVELOPMENTS There are altogether three types of small self-contained flats.