Designed for Economics and Public Affair
Sun Yiu Cheung Joel Lau Yin Ping So Ka Wai Chan Mei Kuen Yan Lai Fong ENG ENG ENG EPA ENG
This EPA lesson is designed for Secondary 4 students. The slides let them have an initial understanding of the selected Secretaries and Departments of the Hong Kong SAR Government which are closely related to their daily life. During the lesson, teachers should clearly describe the major responsibilities of the selected Secretaries by using the slides. In addition to let the students have a revision of the content, there is a small quiz accompanies with the slides presentation. That makes them understand the operation of the Hong Kong SAR Government and how it relates to our daily life.
Formulating and Implementing Government Policies The Chief Executive’s Principal Advisers Head of the Government Secretariat Mrs. Anson Chan
For Examples... Legal AidMedicalLeisureFire Services EducationHousingHygieneRescue
As the government financial official, he oversees the operations of many Financial Bureaus and Departments of Hong Kong SAR Government. Including... His works... Financial Secretary Mr. Donald Tsang
The Fiscal and Economic Polices of the Government Oversees the operations of... Finance, Financial Services Trade and Industry Economic Services Hong Kong Monetary Authority Outlining the government’s budgetary proposals Delivers the annual budget speech Chairs the Exchange Fund Advisory $ $ $ $ $
Ms. Elsie Leung Law of Hong Kong Main Responsibilities Represents the Government and the public interest in the courts. She may make judicial review and enforce public legal rights. She advises the Chief Executive on matters related to law. She acts the defendant in all civil actions. She is in charge of more than 250 lawyers and 800 support staff. Secretary for Justice
Six Divisions in this Department responsible for different duties, some of them are closely related to our daily life. Conduct the prosecution in the Courts of Hong Kong Provide legal advise for the Police and other Departments Representing Government in all civil litigation and arbitrations Drafting of all Government legislation of the HKSAR For Examples...
Fire-fighting and rescue services Controlling Immigration Correctional Services Maintaining Law and Order Mrs. Regina IP, JP Secretary for Security
Hong Kong Police Fire Services Department Immigration Department Correctional Services Department They are...
Major Duties of Hong Kong Police Dealing with Operational Matters Handling Special Duties Maintaining the Road Order All Bomb Disposal Work
1.What is Emergency? An emergency situation involves people or property at risk 2. What are the dangers of making false 999 calls? That makes those who are in danger cannot be helped. 3. What is the penalty for making false 999 calls? A fine of $1000 and imprisonment for 6 months for a false report.
Major Responsibilities Mr. Wong Sing Wah Secretary for Housing Coordinating and review of the long term housing strategy Progress in achieving the housing policy objective Providing internal administrative support to the Bureau
Hong Kong Housing Authority They are... Hong Kong Housing Society - Formulating policies on the provision of private housing - Formulating policies on the provision of public housing
Mr. Wong Wing Ping Secretary for EMB Formulate, develop and review educational and employment policies Oversee their effective implementation Approve applications for imported workers Labour Department Education Department
Labour Policies Administration of Labour Laws Major Responsibilities Foster harmonious labour relations Safeguard employees’ rights Ensure safety in workplace
Provide nine years free and universal schooling for all children Implementation of educational policies Provides sufficient subsidized S4-S7 places in public schools
Dr. E. K. Yeoh, JP Major Responsibilities Health Services Elderly Services Social Security Welfare Services Rehabilitation Services Secretary for Health and Welfare Related Departments and Organization
Manage 38 Public Hospitals Provides Primary Medical Services Out-patient Clinics Health Education Dental Services
Lily Yam Secretary for the Environment and Food Bureau This Bureau is responsible for many things which are closely related to the Hong Kong citizens which include... Environment Hygiene Environmental Protection and Conservation Food Safety Food Supply Oversees Three Departments FEHD &...
Mrs. Ng Wai Lan To build HK into a world-class renowned for its food safety and public hygiene To ensure that food is fit for human consumption To maintain a clean and hygiene living environment Director
To make HK environment both healthy and pleasant To implement plans to improve the environment To increase community awareness of environment To implement environment protection laws Click please...
1. Which of the following departments or bodies is under the Education and Manpower Bureau? A. Social Welfare DepartmentSocial Welfare Department B. Transport DepartmentTransport Department C. Hospital AuthorityHospital Authority D. Labour DepartmentLabour Department
2. How many years of free and universal education does the Education Department provide? A. 12 Years12 Years B. 7 years7 years C. 9 years9 years D. 11 years11 years
3. Who is the Head of the Government Secretariat? A. Financial SecretaryFinancial Secretary B. Secretary for HousingSecretary for Housing C. Chief SecretaryChief Secretary D. Secretary for Health and WelfareSecretary for Health and Welfare
4.One of the responsibilities of Financial Secretary is to oversee... A. Trade and Industry of Hong KongTrade and Industry of Hong Kong B. Legislation of the HKSARLegislation of the HKSAR C. Housing PoliciesHousing Policies D. Social Security and Welfare ServiceSocial Security and Welfare Service
5.Which of the following department is not under the Secretary for Security? A. Hong Kong Police ForceHong Kong Police Force B. Immigration DepartmentImmigration Department C. Customs and Excise DepartmentCustoms and Excise Department D. Fire Services DepartmentFire Services Department
6. Which of the following logo is one of the department under the Secretary for Health and Welfare?
7.Which Secretary represents HKSAR Government in all civil litigation?
8. Which of the following Secretary is responsible for controlling the number of new immigrants? A. Secretary for Education and ManpowerSecretary for Education and Manpower B. Secretary for Home AffairSecretary for Home Affair C. Secretary for SecuritySecretary for Security D. Secretary for WorksSecretary for Works
9. Which Secretary of HKSAR Government is not under the Financial Secretary? A. Secretary for Trade and IndustrySecretary for Trade and Industry B. Secretary Planning and LandsSecretary Planning and Lands C. Secretary for the TreasurySecretary for the Treasury D. Secretary for Economic ServiceSecretary for Economic Service
10. Which of the following is one of the duty of the Secretary for Housing? A. Approve applications for imported construction workersApprove applications for imported construction workers B. Vocational training for construction workersVocational training for construction workers C. Review the housing strategyReview the housing strategy D. Ensure safety in construction sitesEnsure safety in construction sites
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