An exercise in using The Scientific Process Tuesday, April 20, 2010 (Projects due FRIDAY, April 16 th )
Why do we have a Science Fair? The Science Fair provides an opportunity to: Learn about and use the scientific method Sharpen writing skills Gain skills in library research Organize time and develop time management skills Develop public speaking skills by discussing the projects with the judges Participate in an event during which students are recognized for academic achievement
Choosing a Topic Choose something that interests you Choose something that interests you Refer to the Science Fair Project guide for a list of possible topics Refer to the Science Fair Project guide for a list of possible topics Decide on a purpose and a procedure for your project. Decide on a purpose and a procedure for your project. Consider the following: o What will you try to discover about your topic? o How will you go about your research, experimenting, etc.? o What types of materials will you need to experiment? o How long will you need to get meaningful results?
Steps in the Scientific Process Question Question Research/Observati on Research/Observati on Hypothesis Hypothesis Experiment Experiment Data Collection Data Collection Results Results Conclusion Conclusion A science fair project includes each of the steps of the scientific method.
Question Should be specific and testable - something that can be answered by taking measurements Should be specific and testable - something that can be answered by taking measurements Find some background information that may help you in determining your hypothesis Find some background information that may help you in determining your hypothesis Research could take the form of systematic observation Research could take the form of systematic observation Research/Observatio n
Hypothesis A hypothesis is what you think will happen and why. A hypothesis is what you think will happen and why. Form a hypothesis based on your research/observations before you begin your experiment. Form a hypothesis based on your research/observations before you begin your experiment. It doesn’t matter whether your hypothesis turns out to be right or wrong. It doesn’t matter whether your hypothesis turns out to be right or wrong.
Experiment Design an experiment that will help answer your question Design an experiment that will help answer your question Choose only one variable to test Choose only one variable to test Keep everything else the same each time you perform your test (controls) Keep everything else the same each time you perform your test (controls) Write down what you will do step by step and list all of the materials you will use Write down what you will do step by step and list all of the materials you will use Repeat your experiment several times Repeat your experiment several times
Data Collection Collect data observations and measurements to answer your question. Collect data observations and measurements to answer your question. Write down all measurements observed during your experiment. Write down all measurements observed during your experiment. Record your data in a log. Record your data in a log. (Suggested for K-3, required for 4-5)
The Log Book Compilation of everything the student has done to investigate the topic Compilation of everything the student has done to investigate the topic Log books contain detailed notes of the science fair project process Log books contain detailed notes of the science fair project process Notes should be recorded before, during, and after the experiment is performed Notes should be recorded before, during, and after the experiment is performed Log books DO NOT need to contain copies of the charts, graphs, and other information that will be displayed on the backboard Log books DO NOT need to contain copies of the charts, graphs, and other information that will be displayed on the backboard The log book can be as simple as a spiral notebook or paper folder The log book can be as simple as a spiral notebook or paper folder
Results Organize and analyze your data and display in charts, graphs, tables or pictures. Organize and analyze your data and display in charts, graphs, tables or pictures. Write a clear explanation of your charts, graphs or tables. Write a clear explanation of your charts, graphs or tables. Conclusion Form a conclusion based on the results. Form a conclusion based on the results. Write a short paragraph explaining what Write a short paragraph explaining what you learned as a result of your tests.
Presentation Your display will be one way of sharing what you did and what happened in your project. Your display will be one way of sharing what you did and what happened in your project. Make your display interesting and attractive! Make your display interesting and attractive! You can make your display You can make your display out of cardboard, plywood, or paneling, but not poster board. Your display must Your display must be freestanding. You may purchase a display You may purchase a display board at school. They are on sale now for $5.00. (Refer to the Science Fair Project guide sent home later this week for a backboard diagram.)
Helpful Hints for Parents Help your child work regularly on his/her project – work together to develop an action plan for completing each step of the project. Help your child work regularly on his/her project – work together to develop an action plan for completing each step of the project. Be sure to plan at the beginning – don’t wait until the last week to get started. Be sure to plan at the beginning – don’t wait until the last week to get started. Come to our Science Fair Family Night on Tuesday, February 23 rd (5:00-6:30) to use the Media Center resources (and a few of the teachers) to start working on the project! Come to our Science Fair Family Night on Tuesday, February 23 rd (5:00-6:30) to use the Media Center resources (and a few of the teachers) to start working on the project!