North Plainfield School District 9/11 Commemoration Committee North Plainfield: Where the Face of America Blooms
A Brief History In the spring of 2009, the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education extended an invitation to the North Plainfield District to apply for participation in a new program, “Learning from the Challenges of our Time: Global Security, Terrorism, and 9/11 in the Classroom.” The North Plainfield school district, one of fewer than twenty in the state, was selected to pilot lessons. Two staff members participated in training on October 20, 2009.
A Brief History These lessons are designed for students to understand the factors that led to the events of 9/11 and the issue of global terrorism. The interdisciplinary lessons are contained within eight units, several of which have already been used in the district last year: Human Behavior Terrorism: From the Playground to the World Stage Development of a Historical Context of Terrorism 9/11/01: A Contemporary Case Study Consequences and Challenges in a Post 9/11 World Remembrance and Public Memory Building Better Futures: Narrative, Recovery, and Responsibility Resources
Creation of the 9/11 Commemoration Committee The 9/11 Commemoration Committee was created with the goal of creating a series of educational endeavors from September 2010-June 2012 in order to enhance the lessons. Members have adopted projects, researched feasibility, and are reporting to the committee. The producer of the documentaries featuring North Plainfield students, Dr. Tony Mussari, and Mayor Michael Giordano are also members of the committee.
Proposed Activities
September Roses September Roses displays in all school Media Centers in September “September Roses” blanket crocheted by Mrs. Feibush, Library Media Specialist at North Plainfield High School. Photo from content/septemberroses1.jpg
Red, White, and Blue days Red, White, and Blue days will take place on or around the 11 th day of each month. The first Red, White, and Blue day will be on September 17, These are continuing during the school year. Photo from om/uploaded_images/red-shirt jpg Photo from shirt_Red,%20White,%20and%20Blue %20Spiral_Tie-dye_bg.jpg Photo from content/uploads/2009/03/bbc-ice-cream-suede-high-top-sneakers.jpg
America’s White Table America's White Table displays in all school Media Centers in November Photo from veterans-with.html Photo from
More Proposed Activities Other proposed activities and projects, while embracing students of all ages, stakeholders in the community, PTOs and others, include: service learning an expanded blood drive a field trip to Ground Zero a traveling Veterans Day ceremony to all schools the planting of roses in a remembrance garden at each school the inclusion of ROTC and the arts departments in ceremonies and events the use of philately and political cartoons
More Proposed Activities an Avenue of Flags in North Plainfield-this is up and running as of 9/2013 so please join us by donating an American Flag a request for Pride (NJEA) funding the creation of wish wreaths the production of T-shirts All of these activities under consideration are meant to complement the curriculum, which is a state mandate as of September 2010.
Join Us! We invite you to become part of our projects. We began during September 2010 and we are continuing through June If you are able to donate items, time, manpower, materials, and/or provide monetary support, please contact us. We welcome your participation! Dr. Hope Blecher District Supervisor of Language Arts Michael Mulry Social Studies Teacher Presentation created by Ms. Weber