TOTAL POINTS 150 POINTS 150 POINTS _______/25 Guest Speaker scheduled _______/25 Thank You letter _______/25 30 Questions _______/75 Team Contribution _______/150 Total EACH DAY LATE = EACH DAY LATE = -1/2 LETTER GRADE OFF EX A A-
PROJECT DATA Obtain a guest speaker in the medical field Obtain a guest speaker in the medical field Ask them to come speak to the class on one of the following dates for at least 1 hour: Ask them to come speak to the class on one of the following dates for at least 1 hour: –APRIL 12, 14, 16, 20, 22, 26, 28, 30 –MAY 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 25, 27
TO DO Get into groups of people with similar career interests Get into groups of people with similar career interests Find 4-5 speakers in your given profession Find 4-5 speakers in your given profession –Note their name, address, and phone number Ask Ms. Finnie to check off your list so you can begin phone calls Ask Ms. Finnie to check off your list so you can begin phone calls
TO DO Call and invite the first person on your list to speak to your Introduction to Medical Careers class at SKHS Call and invite the first person on your list to speak to your Introduction to Medical Careers class at SKHS Give them 2-3 possible dates to come in that your group has decided on BEFORE calling Give them 2-3 possible dates to come in that your group has decided on BEFORE calling Hi, my name is _______________. I am a student in the Medical Careers class at South Kitsap High School. I am calling to speak to you about coming to my class to speak about your job from (1 st )8:15-9:50 or (6 th )12:15-2:00 for at least an hour. If you have any questions you can reach my teacher, Ms. Finnie, at or Hi, my name is _______________. I am a student in the Medical Careers class at South Kitsap High School. I am calling to speak to you about coming to my class to speak about your job from (1 st )8:15-9:50 or (6 th )12:15-2:00 for at least an hour. If you have any questions you can reach my teacher, Ms. Finnie, at or If they say yes: set a date, inform them that you will meet them in the main office on the day of, and get their address so I can send them questions. If they say yes: set a date, inform them that you will meet them in the main office on the day of, and get their address so I can send them questions. –Ask them to bring some sort of visual aid (tools, powerpoint, video, etc) If they say no: call the next person on your list. If you run out of people, make a new list. If they say no: call the next person on your list. If you run out of people, make a new list.
Things to Keep in Mind If someone says they will get back to you, do not count on them to do so. Assume it is a no and keep trying for someone else If someone says they will get back to you, do not count on them to do so. Assume it is a no and keep trying for someone else If you know someone in the field, use your connections to have them come in; they are typically more reliable. If you know someone in the field, use your connections to have them come in; they are typically more reliable.
DUE TODAY A cover page with a group name, profession, member names, the speaker you have secured, and the date they are coming (example on next page) A cover page with a group name, profession, member names, the speaker you have secured, and the date they are coming (example on next page) List of professionals you have called, in order List of professionals you have called, in order 30 questions for the speaker 30 questions for the speaker Rough draft of a thank you letter, following the criteria in your book Rough draft of a thank you letter, following the criteria in your book
Example cover page Group Name (Speakers Profession) Group Members Names Possible Speaking Dates Speaker’s Address & Phone Number
THANK YOU LETTER This should follow the letter format in your book This should follow the letter format in your book Dated one day after your speaker’s scheduled day Dated one day after your speaker’s scheduled day Should be at least 2 pages long and include talking points Should be at least 2 pages long and include talking points
30 QUESTIONS These questions need to help guide your speaker through their presentation These questions need to help guide your speaker through their presentation –EX: What do you do on a daily basis? How much $$ do you make? What’s your most memorable experience? You must have a MINIMUM of 30 of these You must have a MINIMUM of 30 of these
GRADING Each group member will grade the other(s) out of 50 points and include their reasoning for this grade. The last 25 points will be awarded by Ms. Finnie Each group member will grade the other(s) out of 50 points and include their reasoning for this grade. The last 25 points will be awarded by Ms. Finnie –Include what work was completed, how on- task the person was, the quality of the work, etc If a task is assigned to one person and they do not complete it, the whole group will be graded down If a task is assigned to one person and they do not complete it, the whole group will be graded down
DUE DATES The cover sheet and rough drafts will be due on Friday 3/26 The cover sheet and rough drafts will be due on Friday 3/26 A speaker must be secured before Spring Break with all final drafts typed, spell checked and turned in by April 1 st A speaker must be secured before Spring Break with all final drafts typed, spell checked and turned in by April 1 st After this date (including weekends and non-class days), every day that it is late is minus ½ a letter grade After this date (including weekends and non-class days), every day that it is late is minus ½ a letter grade