Pick an animal that best matches you….
Do you have an animal in mind?
In our world, we have Pets
Parallel world
Daemon is an animal
Daemon is your other half
A daemon is who you are
…and what you are.
A daemon represents your character…
.. tells the world what kind of person you are…
Talk to each other
Read each others thoughts
Share each others feelings
If your daemon disappears from this world
You cease to exist
Cant be separated…
If you go too far apart…tearing your heart out
Most servants have dogs as their daemon
What?? You dont have a daemon?
Then youre an abomination…
A person without a daemon is like a person without his soul..
Childrens daemons can change into any animal…
Until you become an adult. Then your daemon will choose one animal form for the rest of your lives.
The children in my London are disappearing…. They say its the gobblers… It has something to do with their daemons…
If you want to find out why… and what happens to us…
You have to enter my world..
and the pages of …
Pictures from National Wildlife Federation magazines