Library Media Lesson Jarrett Middle School Key Word Searches Library Media Lesson Jarrett Middle School
Know - Learned Chart What I know (Pre) Give 5 examples of keywords you would use in today’s search. What I learned (Post) Completed lesson
General Learner Outcome Self Directed Learner - I am responsible for my own learning Complex Thinker - I can think critically and problem solve. Effective and Ethical User of Technology - I can use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically
Standards Reading: Use knowledge to construct meaning form informational texts for a variety of purposes. Benchmark LA.6.1.2 Use grade-appropriate online and print sources to research a topic
Information Literacy Standards Standard 1: The student who is information literate accesses information efficiently and effectively. Benchmark 1.4 Identifies a variety of potential sources of information
MAPS Materials Attitude – ready to work & learn Internet access MS word worksheet Attitude – ready to work & learn Place – seated at a computer S
Hook If you typed in ___, what sites did you find?
Essential Question How can I find information efficiently and effectively?
Learning Goal 6th – 8th grade students will create and use a list of 7 key words that brings up relevant information regarding their topic.
Performing Skills I can: Brainstorm a list of keywords Match my key words to the sites found Rank the relevancy and usefulness of sites that my key words pulled up Narrow down my list to my top 5 keywords I would recommend and use again.
Vocabulary Key Word Relevancy
Instruction 1 of 5 Brainstorm write down at least 7 key words that you think would pull up information on your topic
Instruction 2 of 5 Test each keyword Copy the site title (or url) and rank the relevancy of information found on the site Very useful Just o.k. junk
Instruction 3 of 5 Copy the notes that you would use Or Give a one sentence as to why the site was not useful nor relevant to your search
Instruction 4 of 5 List your top 5 key words under “Keyword Recommendation”
Instruction 5 of 5 Complete your assessment and reflections
Work Samples and Modeling
Meets Approaching Not met I was able to complete 100% of my work I was able to complete 70% of my work because… I could only complete 50% of my work because….
Reflection What I liked about this lesson is… I would improve my work for this lesson by… 1) 2) 3)