Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Passing and amending domestic violence laws in the Parliament. Experiences of an NGO Inete Ielite, Co-Chair, Coalition for Gender Equality in Latvia, Chair, Children’s Forum of Latvia
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Aim of the presentation To share experience and encourage NGO’s to take part in drafting legislation, provision of expertise and setting agenda for legislators
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Coalition for Gender Equality Established in May, 2000 Founders - more than 70 organisations (non- governmental, municipal, trade unions, crisis centres, research institutions un different groups of interests) and individual members Board consists of 10 members Daily work carried out by the Secreariat
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, The Aims of the Coalition for Gender Equality To develop a better understanding of gender equality in Latvia and to disseminate this understanding throughout society; To support state’s institutions in development and reaching the gender equality objectives that are set out in national laws and policies*; To shape public opinion on gender equality, especially among the youth; To monitor the realization of de facto gender equality in all spheres of life. * Latvia is a monist country
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, What Latvian NGO’s expect from cooperation with Parliament Information about the state of the issue Opportunity to be listen to and to be heard To provide expertise and information To submit proposals for legislation To change the law/ “keep an eye” on the law To influence decisions Etc.
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Working methods with the Parliament Targeting MP’s Information about concrete issues – for political debates, participation in conferences, speaking to mass media Letters “Open Letters” Invitations to take part in events - seminars, conferences, delegations Inviting to address important events Meetings
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Working methods (continuation) With Parliamentary Groups Letters Meetings Preparing legislative proposals to be signed
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Working methods With Committees/ Subcommittees Participating in the meetings Preparing opinions/ adjudgments Drafting legislation proposals Participating in the working groups drafting legislation
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Working methods (continuation) With Committees/ Subcommittees (cont.) Organising informative seminars Presenting results of researches Suggesting speakers (usually foreign experts) Inviting to held meetings outside parliament Joint meetings of committees and subcommittees Setting agenda
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Methods to influence the process of legislation Campaings Pickets Innovative forms Constitutional Court* * Facilitating preparation of the application, preparing info campaing
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Methods to influence the process of legislation (cont.)
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, What are the entry points? Identify “YOUR OWN” committee/subcommittee Identify “YOUR OWN” MPs (by region, by “common background” or the chairs) NOT to underestimate staff of the Parliament (consultants, assistants, etc.) To assess own resources, and create aliances, if necessary To find the easiest or tje optimal way to address the issue* Choose the methods ! * Help to set friendly mechanisms
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Approaching politicians... Presenting the Gender Equality Award – representatives of women’s organisations and politicians
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, When to start? A long ago - at the establishment of an NGO When you have identified the problem When you have resources and are ready to make a committment When a law “is open”…
Regional Conference on Domestic Violence Legal Reform, Sofia,Bulgaria, February, Thank you! Inete Ielite, Coalition for Gender Equality Valnu street , Riga LV-1050, Latvia apvienī, Phone: