Dissolved Oxygen in Kuapa Pond Presented By Ashley Short, Crystal Aloisio, Yayun Hsueh Hahaione School Grade 6
Research Question How does non point source pollution and animals and plants living in the marina affect the percent saturation of dissolved oxygen?
BackgroundResearch Background Research 3o years ago Kaiser Development dredged Kuapa Pond. Hawaii Kai was first owned by Bernice P Bishop after the monarchy government. Hawaii Kai or Kuapa Pond used to be a fishpond. Hawaii Kai including Kuapa Pond, covers 523 miles ranging from the area inward from Maunalua and just west of the pond, the foothill of Koko Head Crater to Kaluanui Ridge. Dissolved Oxygen is necessary for a body of water to sustain life. Normally a higher dissolved oxygen level indicates better water quality. If the levels are to low some marine plants and animals may not be able to survive. In an area where organic matter is decaying, there may be a lower amount of dissolved oxygen because bacteria require oxygen to decompose organic matter, therefore resulting in lower levels of oxygen.
Water near a sewer discharge plant may also have low dissolved oxygen levels. Non point source pollution is pollution that comes from many indirect sources. Non point source pollution is caused by rainfall moving over the ground and as the runoff moves, it picks up natural and man- made pollutants. The solution to Pollution is Dilution. That was an old saying that people thought was true. Now with research we have found that it is not true. They thought the sea was infinite so the concentration of pollution would not increase. Really the ocean is finite so every time pollution enters the water, the concentration of pollution increased.
Hypothesis If water flows from the mountain to the sea and there is non point source pollution in that water, then the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease in the lower part of Kuapa Pond, because the non point source pollution will kill the marine plants and animals resulting in decomposition of organic matter.
Materials Pair of plastic gloves. Eye goggles. Dump bucket with cover. Thermometer. 10 ml plastic vial with cap. Lamot pills test kit. (dissolved oxygen.) Ampoule test kit. (dissolved oxygen.) Distilled water in squirt bottle. Plastic Cups. Clip board and pencil. Data Chart.
Procedure Pills –Collect a water sample. –Completely fill vile with sample water. –Drop two dissolved oxygen test pills into the water. –Cap and invert continuously for 5 minutes. –Collect and compare data to indicator chart. –Record data on data chart. –Repeat steps 1-6 at least 6 more times.
Ampoules Collect a water sample. Fill vial to line with sample water. Place one ampoule in vial. Crack the tip of the ampoule and let the indicator liquid change color. Remove the ampoule and slowly invert for two minutes. Collect and compare data to indicator chart. Record data on data chart. Repeat steps 1-7 at least 6 more times.
Data and Observations Observations –There were plants and animals living in the marina. –Lots of boats. –The water is was very merky –There was lots of leaves in the water. –There was oil in the water
Analysis We observed that there was non point source pollution in the water. The non point source pollution could be killing the marine plants and animals causing a lower amount of dissolved oxygen. Looking at the data the marina by Pizza Hut had the most dissolved oxygen. This shows that there is most likely less non point source pollution, which means less decomposition of organic matter. The order from highest levels to lowest levels is; Pizza Hut, Mariners Cove, Boat Harbor, Agriculture Site, and the Post Office. Post Office, being the lowest would most likely have more non point source pollution killing marine animal and plant life, then resulting in decomposition of organic matter which lowers dissolved oxygen levels.
Conclusion Looking at the data our hypothesis was wrong. We predicted that there would be lower levels in the bottom pond. They were higher in the bottom and lower in the top. We think that the non point source pollution did not exit the top pond because its has only one place to exit. If this did happen then the non point source pollution killed the marine plants and animals resulting in decomposition of organic matter.
NextSteps Next Steps If we could further our experimenting, we would go back and test for nitrates as well. Then we would do research on nitrates and the connections to dissolved oxygen. We would also research even more in depth about Kuapa Pond. If the nitrate and dissolved oxygen levels were low, we would research and see another variable of the dissolved oxygen level and then do tests to see what is making the dissolved oxygen levels lower.
Pictures Before Construction
After Construction
The End Any questions ?