Daily Weather Data - This information will be entered into your science notebook at the beginning of each class day as the bell rings. - It will be checked periodically for a grade. - We will be graphing this data at various times in the year.
The Daily Data Date and Time Temperature(°C) Humidity(%) Pressure(mm Hg) Wind Speed and Direction(m/s) Rainfall (last 24 hours)(mm) Notes - Vog (if present) Snow on Mauna Kea (if present)
Example Daily Data August 5, :20 am Temp = 23°C Humidity = 82% Pressure = mm Hg Wind = 2.4 m/s NE Rain = 4 mm Notes: Snow
Disclaimer Aloha I put together these power points for use in my science classes. You may use them in your classes. Some images are public domain, some are used under the fair-use provisions of the copyright law, some are mine. Copyright is retained by the owners! Ted Brattstrom