The Personal Statement. Some crucial points to consider. This is the most important part of your UCAS application. This is the most important part of.


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Presentation transcript:

The Personal Statement

Some crucial points to consider. This is the most important part of your UCAS application. This is the most important part of your UCAS application. Your opportunity to tell an admissions tutor why you are suitable for the degree you want to study. Your opportunity to tell an admissions tutor why you are suitable for the degree you want to study. It must demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment. It has to stand out from the crowd. It must demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment. It has to stand out from the crowd. Your first draft needs to be completed by the first week of September. Your first draft needs to be completed by the first week of September.

Some questions and answers. Is there a maximum length to a personal statement? Is there a maximum length to a personal statement? Yes – 4000 characters or 47 lines. Yes – 4000 characters or 47 lines. Can it be written in paragraphs? Can it be written in paragraphs? Yes – but no paragraphs is fine too. Yes – but no paragraphs is fine too.

Questions and Answers Does the UCAS apply software have a spelling and grammar check facility? Does the UCAS apply software have a spelling and grammar check facility? No. Type it in a word document and save it to your documents and then paste it in. No. Type it in a word document and save it to your documents and then paste it in. Can you write a different personal statement for each of your choices? Can you write a different personal statement for each of your choices? No. No.

Questions and Answers Can you use bold, italics and underlined characters in the statement? Can you use bold, italics and underlined characters in the statement? No. No. Is there a problem using material I have found on the web in my personal statement? Is there a problem using material I have found on the web in my personal statement? Yes! This is plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected your application will be cancelled. Yes! This is plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected your application will be cancelled.

Its all about me! Your opportunity to tell the institutions about you and about: Your opportunity to tell the institutions about you and about: - Your academic achievements - A piece of work you are particularly proud of - How your current studies link to your chosen subject(s)

Its all about me! - why does your chosen subject area interest you? - why does your chosen subject area interest you? What do you already know about it? What do you already know about it? What elements of the subject do you particularly enjoy and why? What elements of the subject do you particularly enjoy and why? Life after university- where will it take you? Life after university- where will it take you?

Its all about me! Your statement needs to be relevant to all your choices Your statement needs to be relevant to all your choices Remember that admissions tutors read on average 200 statements a week. Make yours stand out for the right reasons! Remember that admissions tutors read on average 200 statements a week. Make yours stand out for the right reasons! Write it early – over the summer is ideal. Write it early – over the summer is ideal.

Do Write it early. Write it early. Check spelling and grammar. Check spelling and grammar. Make it applicable to your subject choices. Make it applicable to your subject choices. Keep it personal. Keep it personal. Reflect. Reflect. Ask for feedback. Ask for feedback. Be enthusiastic. Be enthusiastic. Be prepared to write a few drafts until it is perfect. Be prepared to write a few drafts until it is perfect.

Don’t Use slang, text or language. Use slang, text or language. Forget it could be used in an interview. Forget it could be used in an interview. Copy Copy Forget to watch UCAS TV Forget to watch UCAS TV Leave it to the last minute! Leave it to the last minute! Plagiarise!!! Plagiarise!!!

Your statement needs to show evidence of…. Emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence. That you are flexible. That you are flexible. Have the ability to prioritise work. Have the ability to prioritise work. Have analytical skills. Have analytical skills. Subject specific knowledge and experience. Subject specific knowledge and experience. Your ability to work under pressure. Your ability to work under pressure.

Your statement needs to show evidence of…. You are hard working. You are hard working. Have the ability to form opinions. Have the ability to form opinions. Initiative. Initiative. Interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills. Self awareness. Self awareness.

Your statement needs to show evidence of…. Why you would make a good student? Why you would make a good student? Hobbies and interests Hobbies and interests Extra curricular activities, work experience Extra curricular activities, work experience Positions of responsibility in and out of school. Positions of responsibility in and out of school. Any attributes that make you special, unique or interesting. Any attributes that make you special, unique or interesting. Any future plans you have. Any future plans you have.

Similarity Detection Service. Personal statements are checked against a library of those already in the system and from a variety of websites. Personal statements are checked against a library of those already in the system and from a variety of websites. Each new statement is added to the library after processing. Each new statement is added to the library after processing.

Note on References A level teachers have written a subject reference and will give you a predicated A2 grade. A level teachers have written a subject reference and will give you a predicated A2 grade. These will be used to write your final reference along with your personal statement. These will be used to write your final reference along with your personal statement. Reference writers will be displayed on the UCAS notice board in study. Reference writers will be displayed on the UCAS notice board in study.

Questions Any Questions? Any Questions?