CAKE Q3: BARRIER MANAGEMENT A barrier can be a technical, operational or organizational element that either separately or in combination with another barrier, can reduce the likelihood of unwanted incidents, or that limits the consequences of an incident that has occurred. These barriers are in other words used both to reduce the likelihood of unwanted incidents and to eliminate or limit the consequences of such incidents. Failures and weakening of barriers is a common cause of unwanted incidents in the petroleum sector, and barrier management is thus a crucial part in preventing major accidents on our platform. It is therefore important that we always have an overview of the barriers we have in place and what condition these barriers are in. Do we have any barriers that are temporarily out of operation, for instance due to maintenance? What measures have we implemented to cover for barriers that are nor working or have reduced effect? Could my actions in the upcoming job affect any relevant barriers?
CAKE Q3: BARRIER MANAGEMENT CAKE Q3 is divided into 2 parts: 1.Discuss barriers in every TBT held 2.Review of relevant barriers connected to each position.
1. USE TBT TO IDENTIFY BARRIERS! ToolBox Talk is one of our most important tools to identify hazards and risks related to the tasks to be performed. In order to reduce any potential hazards we need to identify risk and define relevant barriers. Use the ToolBox Talk conversation to discuss relevant barriers related to the upcoming job! In CAKE Q3 we thus want the topic ‘Barriers’ to be discussed in every TBT held on the rig. How this is to be performed in practice can be adapted to the rig and the operation, but we want you to appoint relevant positions that should be responsible for ensuring that relevant barriers for the upcoming jobs are discussed during the TBT. Middle management, safety or section leaders can for example be appointed as responsible for guiding the TBT and ask the good and relevant barrier-related questions during the TBT. Have a look at the next slide for suggested questions that can be used in order to achieve a good discussion on barriers.
ToolBox Talk is one of our most valuable tools for identifying hazards and risks related to the upcoming job. In order to reduce any potential hazards, we need to identify risk and define relevant barriers. Use the TBT to discuss relevant barriers related to the job! Here are some suggested questions that can be discussed during the TBT: Which barriers are in place that can affect, or be affected by the planned job? Which barriers are absolutely necessary to have in place in order to ensure that the job will go as planned? Which barriers can prevent that you are not harmed during the job? How does the different barriers work? Do we have any barriers that are temporarily out of order, for instance due to maintenance on that particular barrier or its surroundings? Which measures do we have in place in order to cover for barriers that are not working or have reduced effect? Could my own actions in the upcoming job have an impact on any relevant barriers? Could your colleagues function as a barrier? Do they know their own role, do they have sufficient competency, do they use the STOP directive? 1. USE TBT TO IDENTIFY BARRIERS!
2. BARRIERS RELATED TO POSITIONS The HSE Case for your rig is a good tool for increasing your knowledge about existing hazards and which barriers we have in place to reduce the likelihood of any incidents, and to reduce the consequences should an incident occur. In addition to the descriptive Bow-ties you can also find an overview over which barriers that you in your position have a particular responsibility for in terms of ensuring that our barriers are in place and working as intended. See example below!
Make a printout of the overview of which barriers that are related to each position, and have the relevant positions familiarize themselves with the content. You are an important part in ensuring that these barriers are working as intended so that we can prevent a major accident! The list of responsibility for barriers per position is found in the rig-specific HSE Case: MGAL: chapter List of tasks assigned to job category MGUA: chapter List of tasks assigned to job category MINN: chapter – List of Responsibilities MINT: chapter Safety and environmentally critical tasks MINC: chapter Safety and environmentally critical tasks MINP: chapter Safety and environmentally critical tasks MREA: chapter List of tasks assigned to job category MGIA: relevant chapter is not included in HSE Case MINS: relevant chapter is not included in HSE Case 2. BARRIERS RELATED TO POSITIONS