Document Based Questions How to successfully write a great essay for a DBQ
What is a DBQ? A DBQ consists of two parts. Part I: 4-8 documents you need to analyze. Part II: An essay based on the documents you are analyzing.
Read all information Before you begin, read the first page, which usually provides you with the historical context and a task. It is good to know what the topic of your essay is, so that you keep it in mind when reading through the documents
Part I: Analyzing the documents This is your reading comprehension part. Each DBQ contains 4-8 documents with 1-3 questions that need to be answered per document. Documents are in the form of primary sources. For example pictures, political cartoons, newspaper excerpts, etc. Make sure you answer all questions.
Part II: The Essay The essay is the basis for the DBQ. Here you are using the documents you have analyzed to answer a question(s). Make sure you answer all parts of the task.
Writing the Essay When writing your essay, you must have: *An introduction *A body *A conclusion You also MUST make sure you refer to the appropriate number of documents by name or number. For example, as seen in document 2. You MUST also refer to the correct number of documents. If they ask you to use at least 4 in your essay make sure to do so.
The Introduction You must have an introductory paragraph. A good start is to use the historical context you are already given. Then state what you will explain in your essay. For example, “now I will explain how each river valley civilization contributed to modern day society.”
The Body You should have at least 1 body paragraph for each part of the task. For example, if you are asked 2 different things, you should have 2 paragraphs. You may use outside info if it applies. Again you are answering what is asked of you in the task. You are doing so by referring to each document you use by name or number. You DO NOT need to use every document, just the amount you are asked to use. You are also NOT just listing documents and what each says. YOU NEED TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THE TASK. Use simple language. DO NOT over-complicate it. Avoid opinion, just state the facts. Also- it is quality not quantity.
The Conclusion This is your wrap up paragraph. Restate what you have accomplished. For example, “As you can see each of the river valley civilizations had a major impact on society by…..” Again, don’t over-complicate. Its just a restating of what your essay is.
Check it over When you are done, go back and make sure: 1)You have an intro, body, conclusion 2)You have referred to the appropriate number of documents. 3)You have successfully answered the question(s) being asked of you in the task.