THE GEO GLOBAL CAPACITY BUILDING SYMPOSIUM Seville (Spain) September 10 & 11, 2007
The background for the symposium: GEO capacity building strategy –Objectives: Encourage and enable DC to identify and address their capacity building needs Facilitate coordination among GEO Members and PO as they seek further resources
Agenda Background of the Symposium Preparatory activities Proposed agenda outline Next steps
The background for the symposium: GEO capacity building strategy –Priority action 6: Engaging donors on EO CB priorities Matching identified development needs and gaps with donor priorities Connecting E2E activities (I+H+I) Building new CB activities that address identified needs Developing a network of donors
The background for the symposium: GEO capacity building strategy –A symposium to be organised: First opportunity to engage donors on EO priorities Focus: building linkages with existing and potential future donors Outcomes to guide the implementation of action 6 through 2011
The background for the symposium: GEO Workplan Task CB-07-01a Organise a Capacity Building Symposium in early 2007 to initiate a dialogue and an exchange of views between GEO and the international donor community in support of Earth observation capacity building. The capacity building strategy as well as priority CB activities will be highlighted at the symposium. Follow up actions based on outcome of the symposium will be developed.
The background for the symposium: GEO Workplan Task CB-07-01a –Focus of symposium. GEO Capacity Building strategy, priorities and the necessity for continued development of capacity in EO The need and usefulness of EO for sustainable development; Best practice examples of EO capacity development; High priority needs within EO CB (especially in DC); Recommendations for coordinating and building synergy in EO CB activities. Donor priorities and needs for Earth observations
The background for the symposium: GEO Workplan Task CB-07-01a Outcomes would be to Highlight high priority needs for funding. Understand donor needs and uses of integrated Earth observations Explore possible funding vehicles for high priority unmet needs in EO CB that match donor needs. Start ongoing dialogue and long term partnership with Donor community on CB priorities Provide Input for Ministerial (Progress report and Declaration)
The way to the Symposium Announced formally in GEO Plenary in December 2006 Discussed in CBC-3 –1st Concept paper and agenda –TF created to help with preparatory tasks Dates: September 10 & 11, 2007 Venue: Seville (Spain)
Logistics and funding steps : Venue (hotel) secured: meeting rooms rooms booked Sponsor committed to fund meeting rooms Spain’s contribution to the GEO trust fund to cover other expenses (DC travelling and additional costs) Spain to commit on the spot support team
The building blocks of the Symposium agenda : An introduction to the value of EO and GEO (including a background in GEO process) Capacity Building in GEO (including the presentation of Survey and strategy) The needs in GEO. DC perspectives Funding mechanisms, priorities and needs The value of working together: E2E projects 4/5 regional facilitated breakout groups to discuss and match regional needs and priorities Discussion of a roadmap Based in the “diamond” partnership concept + exhibition and contact area Programme expanded to 2 full days
Those who need Those who facilitateThose who fund Those who provide The “diamond” partnership
Monday September /09.00Registration 09.00/09.30Opening session 09.45/10.30An introduction to the value of EO & GEO 10.30/11.15 Capacity Building in GEO 11.15/11.45Break 11.45/12.30The needs in EO. DC perspectives 12.30/13.15 Funding Mechanisms, priorities and needs 13.15/14.00Discussion 14.00/15.30Lunch 15.30/16.30The value of working together: End to end projects 16.30/16.45Introduction to the breakout groups 16.45/17.15Break 17.15/ to 5 facilitated regional breakout groups 18.30End of the working sessions for the day 20.00Reception/Social event
Tuesday September /09.15Summary of day 1 and plan for day 2 by facilitators / to 5 facilitated regional breakout groups (continued) 10.30/11.00Break 11.00/ to 5 facilitated regional breakout groups (continued) 12.30/14.00Presentation of conclusions of groups 14.00/15.30Lunch 15.30/16.30General discussion (presentation & discussion of roadmap) 16.30/17.00Final conclusions 17.00/17.30Closing session GEONETCast and GEO Web Portal to be shown in the exhibition area
Next urgent steps : Identify agenda details: speakers, facilitators, projects, and ensure their commitment to participate Identify invitees Produce a brochure Prepare and send invitation letters Launch the website for information and registration