from “La Relacion” Answer the questions using page Which is the best title for the first paragraph? A. missteps and mayhem B. East Indies and Indians C. America vs. Europe D. A hero is born
2. What is the purpose of the second paragraph on page 56? A. To criticize all Europeans who came to the “New World” B. To provide biographical information about the expedition C. To compare and contrast the reasons explorers took risks
3. What is the author’s tone in paragraphs 3-5 on page 56 ? A. Reflective– the author talks about what might have been if Cabeza had not completed his journey. B. Critical– the author condemns the Spanish for their lack of planning. C. Laudatory– the author gives multiple examples of the challenges Cabeza de Vaca overcame, even if he, himself, created those challenges.
Answer this question in a complete sentence. (from pages 56-57) 4. What are three ways you can read this historical narrative? Which ways are most important in a language arts context?
Read the first three paragraphs. 5. To whom is Cabeza de Vaca writing? 6. To whom does Cabeza de Vaca attribute the survival of his men? 7. What view of himself does he provide in these paragraphs? Quote. Why?
Worst Case Scenario 1. You have been floating on a boat at sea for nearly a week without food. You are starving to death. Do you... A. catch the spiny fish swimming by and eat it raw? B. trap the colorful butterfly that landed on the mast and swallow it whole? C. eat the seaweed you scraped from the side of the boat?
Early signs of starvation include weakness, confusion, chronic diarrhea, irritability and immune deficiency. After this point, your internal organs will shut down one at a time. The final stages of starvation will include hallucinations, convulsions, muscle spasms and an irregular heart beat. In a worst-case scenario, plants and insects can provide protein and food energy. A good rule for each is to refrain from eating any insect that's brightly colored, spiny or gives off a pungent odor. conditions/starvation.html C.
Read the next two paragraphs on page What assumption does Lope de Oviedo make? Quote. Why? 9. How does Lope de Oviedo’s assumption reflect the Spaniard’s expectations? 10. What language does Cabeza use to describe the men’s first encounter with the native people? How does this show bias?
Worst Case Scenario 2. You are in a ship that is sinking. You have no floatation device or lifeboat. What do you do? A. Jump overboard and start swimming in the direction in which you believe there is land. B. Take off your pants. Knot the legs. Blow air in at the waist, then tie another knot. Use your pants as a flotation device. C. Yell for help as loudly as you can.
B. survival-guide.aspx
Read the rest of 59 and page How does Cabeza de Vaca use his own experience to illustrate the state of his crew? 12. How does Cabeza’s use of language show his view of the natives? 13. Does this view change throughout the passage or not? 14. What does this view have to do with Cabeza’s intended audience?
Worst Case Scenario 3. You are in a foreign land when there is a serious outbreak of a lethal epidemic. Do you... A. comfort the sick with hugs and kisses? B. find an isolated location with access to food and water? C. rush to the nearest group of people who can provide medical help?
Find a secure spot to hole up and wait it out. “An optimal location would be a place where you’re still able to obtain food and water but where you’re unlikely to have close contact with people,” Hamer says. “You’re probably safest in your hotel room.” If you venture out to resupply, avoid confined places and maintain at least six feet of space from other people—what epidemiologists call “social distancing”— and wear a mask to minimize virus exposure (a bandanna or T-shirt will do in a pinch). Program the closest U.S. Embassy’s number on speed dial. If you get sick, they’ll locate medical care, arrange money transfers, and inform your family. survival/pandemic/2 B.
Final Questions 15. What did Cabeza de Vaca have to do as a Medicine Man? 16. Was this the right thing to do? 17. Why did he do it? 18. What else did he do while he was performing as a Medicine Man?