Introduction to Linux 2/24 ~ 3/17 6:30 – 9:00pm (7 sessions)
Changes to class schedule Class starts 2/24 to 3/17. Total of 7 sessions. Entire class will be held at Aiea Community School
What is UNIX? Unix is an OS originally developed by AT&T Bell Labs with the following in mind: –To be simple and elegant –Written in a high-level language –Re-usability of the code –Multi-processor support –Multi-user OS –Multi-tasking
History of UNIX Bell Labs, MIT and GE started the MULTICS OS project. Bell Labs dropped out in 1969 and then created the UNIX OS. Two key authors of UNIX are Dennis Ritchie and Ken Tompson. In 1977 UC Berkeley modified their copy of UNIX and gave birth to BSD UNIX.
BSD UNIX became the first OS to implement the internet. BSD vs. AT&T BSD 4.3 Lite to be released and it became FreeBSD now in In 1991, Linus Torvalds started the Linux project as a hobby. 1994, Linux 1.0 was released.