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Presentation transcript:


 Not Warranted for listing  Olympic Peninsula  Southwest Washington  Threatened  Lower Columbia River  Middle Columbia River  Snake River Basin  Puget Sound  Upper Columbia River  downlisted from Endangered 6/18/09 NOAA Determination of Washington State Steelhead Status by DPS

Steelhead – Washington State DPSs

Steelhead – Puget Sound DPS

Steelhead – Olympic Peninsula DPS

Steelhead – Southwest Washington DPS

Steelhead – Lower Columbia River DPS Winter run

Steelhead – Lower Columbia River DPS Summer run

Steelhead – Middle Columbia River DPS

Steelhead – Upper Columbia River DPS

Steelhead – Columbia / Snake River Dams

Steelhead – Snake River DPS

STATEWIDE STEELHEAD MANAGEMENT PLAN Fish & Wildlife Comm. Adopted March 2008 Puget Sound SW Washington Lower Columbia Middle Columbia Olympic Peninsula Upper Columbia Snake River Natural Production Fisheries Management Regulatory Compliance Research Habitat Protection and Restoration Artificial Production Monitoring, Evaluation, & Adaptive Management Outreach & Education

Promote achievement of conservation and recovery goals in each watershed and support sustainable fisheries  Fisheries consistent with natural production policy  Promote selective harvest of hatchery steelhead  Manage in All-H strategy  Account for all sources of fishery related mortalities  Establish foundation for watershed steelhead planning The SSMP at work

The plan provides a framework for statewide steelhead management for each watershed through: Clear goals  Clear goals Identified objectives  Identified objectives Strategies  Strategies The SSMP at work

Stillaguamish/Snohomish Steelhead Resource Management Plan Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians, The Tulalip Tribes and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

 Development of watershed management plans for steelhead:  Develop watershed template  High risk populations initial focus  Use recovery plans where developed as guide  Habitat Conservation Plans  Other Resource Management Plans 17 Steelhead watershed planning

 Stock abundance, distribution, timing, genetic information and status  Natural production – goal same as statewide policy guidance  Viable salmonid population goals = viability (>95% probability of persistence in 100 years) 18 Steelhead watershed planning

 Define wild steelhead viability stressors for each H.  Document current factors impacting wild steelhead viability  Include alternative solutions that may be appropriate to achieve the desired outcomes 19 Steelhead watershed planning

Hatchery Viability Stressor – Management Strategies VSP Parameter addressed Stressor Alternative Solution(s) A & P, D & S Broodstock not from Genetically Distinct Unit (GDU) and has been in culture more than three generations 1) Develop native based program 2) Reduce program size and/or 3) More effective trapping/harvest and/or 4) Discontinue altogether 5) Other 20 Example of hatchery stressor

Habitat Viability Stressor – Management Strategies VSP Parameter addressed Stressor Alternative Solution(s) A & S Loss of 0 – 24% of historical distribution of winter steelhead and 0 – 23% of summer steelhead (Science Paper 2006) 1) Improved enforcement of instream work; especially culvert replacements/road building – DFW, DNR, DOT A & S Majority of streams have lost more than 20% of habitat historically accessible 1) Enforcement of CAO, SSMP, Land Use Codes relating to stream crossings 21 Example of habitat stressor

 Artificial production  Defined goals for programs  Program modifications based upon viability stressor and alternatives identified 22 Steelhead watershed planning

 Harvest Management  How conducted in future to support conservation needs o Threshold abundance levels for instituting different management strategies in lieu of single MSH escapement goal (e.g. abundance based management)  Allocation of harvest  Schedules/implementation of fisheries 23 Steelhead watershed planning

 Habitat  Define actions necessary to improve rebuilding of wild steelhead o Limiting factors o Recovery Plan actions o Priority areas to protect and restore within watershed 24 Steelhead watershed planning

 Adaptive Management  Develop plan and describe frequency for review and assessment  Assess results with original intent or goal for all Hs.  Use current data to inform decision making 25 Steelhead watershed planning

 WDFW Regions – develop DRAFT watershed plans  Lead for coordination with respective tribes and federal government  Fish – hatchery and harvest sections  Habitat – habitat sections  Headquarters  Regional roll-up of watershed plans  Coordination with Steelhead-Cutthroat Policy Adv. Grp.  Analyses – harvest rate etc.  Feedback for SSMP and Science Paper consistency 26 Roles and Responsibilities

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