1 The Well-Being Index By Development Evaluation and Communication Office (DECO) National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB)
2 Process of Monitoring and Evaluation Data Collection (Secondary data) Analysis (Tools:Indicators Index) Reporting annually to: Public (year-end conference) Cabinet (in order to assign to agencies concerned) Feedback For the next plan National plan Process of Monitoring and Evaluation the National Plan
3 National development Evaluation Index Monitoring and Evaluating the National Development conducted in 2 categories -Target Achievement indicators such as GDP Growth, Current account,Trade balance, Longevity, Literacy rate Others -Development Impact Evaluation Well-being Index Well-being Index Economic Strength Index Economic Strength Index Sustainable Development Index Sustainable Development Index =GNH
4 People-centred development Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy Understanding and adjusting to global development paradigm Consulting stakeholders’ participation 8 th plan th plan th plan People- centred development Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy Sustainable development Consulting stakeholders’ participation People-centred development Consulting stakeholders’ participation Guiding Priniciples of the 8 th -10 th plans
5 Good governance, People participation, and culture of democracy Strong and stability, Self-reliance, Competitiveness and Fair decentralization Balance between knowledge and moral Immunity, Discipline, Responsible maintain culture and Thai wisdom Empowerment, Peaceful coexistences, Maintaining cultural diversity and biodiversity Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy Economic System Community/ Institutions Public Administration Thai people Vision of the Tenth National Plan Green and Happiness Society
6 Health Income & Income Distribution Income & Income Distribution Family Life Knowledge Working Life Environment Good Governance Well- beings Index Integrated Approach Composite Index
7 Well-beings indicators and its key components 1. Health - Longevity - Good health - Promote moral and justice in public services 2. Knowledge - Equal education distribution - Quality of education 3. Working life - Full employment - Job Security 4. Income and its distribution - Income - Income distribution 5. Environments - Housing and infrastructure services - Safety in life and property - Environments 6. Families - Relationship of family members - Self-reliance in economic system 7. Good Governance - Moral - Participation - Efficiency - Transparency
8 Note: 5 = very good ( per cent) 4 = better ( per cent) 3 = good or not change ( per cent) 2 or < 2 = need to be improved (less than 70 per cent)
9 Thank you very much Development Evaluation and Communication Office
10 Economic Strength Index
11 Sustainable Development Index Agenda 21 SustainableDevelopment Index Index SDI
12 Note: 5 = very good ( per cent) 4 = better ( per cent) 3 = good or not change ( per cent) 2 or < 2 = need to be improved (less than 70 per cent)
13 Economic Strength Index determines the country’s economic strength indicates whether Thailand is self reliant, immune to an economic crisis, and adaptable to global changes. In addition, it has to grow with stability and guarantee that all of its people can reap the benefits of this development with a fair benefit distribution. This leads to sustainable development.
14 Economic Self-reliance Economic Immunity Adaptive Responses to Global Changes Economic Strength Index Fair Benefit Distribution Stable Growth
15 Thailand’s Economic Strength During the 9 th Plan Development Indices Level of Development Economic Self-reliance Economic Immunity Adaptation to Global Changes Stable Growth Fair Benefit Distribution General Economic Strength
16 Note: 5 = very good ( per cent) 4 = better ( per cent) 3 = good or not change ( per cent) 2 or < 2 = need to be improved (less than 70 per cent)
17 Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Development in Thailand Quality Quality Stability and Adaptability Stability and Adaptability Fair Distribution of Development Benefits Fair Distribution of Development Benefits Good Governance Good Governance
18 Sustainable Development Index Economic Dimension Social Dimension EnvironmentDimension Quality developmentQuality development Stable developmentStable development Wealth distributionWealth distribution ConservationConservation Good environmental qualityGood environmental quality Participation and the resource usage allocationParticipation and the resource usage allocation Accountability as a global partnerAccountability as a global partner Capacity building and adjustment of the knowledge-based society Improvement in quality and stability of live Strengthening the community and developing a cultural protection system Creation of equality and participation
19 Note: 5 = very good ( per cent) 4 = better ( per cent) 3 = good or not change ( per cent) 2 or < 2 = need to be improved (less than 70 per cent)
21 Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct by the populace at all levels. This applies to conduct starting from the level of individuals, families, communities, as well as the level of nation in development and administration so as to create a balance amidst external and internal changes.
22 Summary of the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy The Middle Path Reasonableness Self-immunity Moderation balance / stability / sustainability life / economy / social Lead to Moral Condition (honest, sincere, diligence, perseverance, sharing) Knowledge Condition (Know, prudence, care)
23 Outcomes of the ninth plan (achieve to the target) average '02-'05 target of the Ninth Plan 1. Target of economic stability GDP growth rate(%) current account (as % of GDP) inflation (%) Economic restructuring total export (US$) as % of GDP budget for R&D as % of GDP na Quality of life no. years of education at average years % of labour who graduate more than secondary school not lower than 50%
24 Outcomes of the ninth plan (achieve to the target) average '02-'05 target of the Ninth Plan 4. Poverty reduction % of poor people not more than 12% 5.Good Governance IMD—International Institute for Management Development better Transparency Indicator better % of voters who vote increase Source: NESDB data bank
25 Strategies of the Tenth National Plan Develop quality of human resource and prepare for knowledge society 1 Empowering local community and maintaining cultural diversity and Thai wisdom 2 Restructuring Thai economy to create equilibrium and competitiveness 3 Improving natural resource base and environment for the country development based on biodiversity 4 Promoting good governance at all level of public administration for sustainable and orderly society 5