Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Conference June 8–12, 2009 Cornell University, Ithaca New York JACoW Team Meeting Hamburg ICFA ABDW #45 ERL 09 Karl Smolenski Georg Hoffstaetter Cornell University Lab for Elementary Particle Physics
Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Conference June 8–12, 2009 Cornell University, Ithaca New York JACoW Team Meeting Hamburg Energy Recovery Linac 09 3 rd Biennial meeting JLab 05 – Daresbury 07 – Cornell 09 – KEK 11
Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Conference June 8–12, 2009 Cornell University, Ithaca New York JACoW Team Meeting Hamburg 173 Registrants * 31 Plenary talks 69 talks in 3 parallel working group sessions 15 Posters (displayed all week) 5 Industrial participants (poster / display / talk) 2 Supported undergraduate students By the numbers * Careful crafting of US Visa invitation letters…
Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Conference June 8–12, 2009 Cornell University, Ithaca New York JACoW Team Meeting Hamburg “Standard” Workshop Welcome reception Facility tours Picnic / Sightseeing trip Banquet / Dinner speaker
Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Conference June 8–12, 2009 Cornell University, Ithaca New York JACoW Team Meeting Hamburg Daily plenary and working group sessions 3 parallel sessions Overlap with satellite X-ray applications meeting Coupled with request of WG conveners for extended discussion / QA / collaborative time. Complex Structure
Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Conference June 8–12, 2009 Cornell University, Ithaca New York JACoW Team Meeting Hamburg Indico for registration / scheduling Transparencies uploaded nightly No planned CD / USB to participants No abstracts or submissions in advance Voluntary proceedings contributions 60 days after meeting (~12) Organized summary / review papers from each working group – slow progress (2 of 4 received) New collaborative work valued more than past individual results Proceedings
Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Conference June 8–12, 2009 Cornell University, Ithaca New York JACoW Team Meeting Hamburg As first time JACoW participants, how best to prepare for our next meeting in 2010? Indico / SPMS Proceedings processing for JACoW Thank you to organizers