Marking Scheme ISM ISM Top-up
Project Contents Abstract, – A one page summary (max. 400 words) of the Intent, work undertaken. Introduction, – An overview of the problem being tackled, justification for the project and (for example) proposed methodologies and a summary of the contents. – Re-state the Aims and Objectives
Project Contents Research Investigation/Analysis Output/Findings/Recommendations Professional issues Evaluation Conclusion Appendices – Terms of Reference – Other
Research Is there sufficient background research of the immediate subject area? Has the student discussed the subject area in a wider context? Are there any secondary areas of research that should have been addressed? Has the student analysed the research and applied it to the project?
Investigation and Analysis The student should apply their own investigation and analysis of the subject area. How has the problem been investigated – was it appropriate for this project? How has data been gathered – was it appropriate for this project? Has data been analysed and presented in an appropriate way? Is there sufficient cross-referencing to the research and the solution, recommendation or output?
Research Method Has an appropriate research method been used for the investigation. Has the method been discussed and justified against the use of other methods. Is there evidence of the method being applied.
Solution/Recommendation/Output Any solution, recommendation or output from the project should be derived from the research and investigation. Has evidence been provided that supports the solution, recommendation or output? Is there sufficient cross-referencing to support the solution, recommendation or output?
Evaluation/Review Evaluation should be discussed in terms of the aims and objective. – If the aims and objective have been met has the proof been supplied by cross-referencing and/or referencing. – If the aims and objectives have not been met, why? Solution/Recommendation/Output (Product if there is one) should be evaluated. Self performance should be evaluated. Client evaluation if appropriate.
Academic Standards Is the project worthy of an MSc? Is the dissertation complete? – See slides 2 and 3. Is it appropriately structured and well written? – A beginning a middle and an end. – Section numbering – Page numbering
Professional Issues Should be connected to the project/product/output. Consider: – Professional Responsibilities Duty of care Legal issues – Intellectual Property and Copyright – Privacy and Confidentiality – Computer Contracts – Safety issues – Computer Misuse – Ethics
Presentation Have questions been answered to the satisfaction of the examiner? Is the student knowledgeable of the subject area? Has the student managed the project effectively?
Marking Scheme ACS ACS Top-up
Project Contents Abstract Introduction, Research Requirements Analysis Professional issues Product description and documentation.
Project Contents Software design documents providing at the very least a description of – (a) The logical structure of the system stating how the system has been designed and how its overall function has been partitioned amongst the various components of software. – (b) Interfaces to define the communication channels between the various sub-systems. Software documentation should also include important/novel algorithms.
Project Contents Appendices – (i) Functional Specification if not in the main body of the report – (ii) Description of code implementation including some code implementation of important or novel algorithms if appropriate. – Proposal – Terms of Reference (previously agreed). – Any other required documentation.
Research and Analysis Is there sufficient background research of the subject area? Research for a development project needs to reflect the contribution the product will make to the environment for which the product is being developed. Has the student discussed existing products?
Research and Analysis Has the student discussed the subject area in a wider context and not just in terms of the product? Are there any secondary areas of research such as Change Management or Knowledge Management that should have been addressed? Has the student analysed the research and applied it to the project?
Development Lifecycle Has the development lifecycle been followed in sufficient detail? As a minimum the lifecycle should cover: –A development method (discussed and justified against other methods)
Development Lifecycle Requirements Specification, which should cover: –User Requirements, Tools, Programming Languages, Persistence (Database Requirements), Software, Hardware, Skills/Knowledge required. –System requirements (functional and non functional, including usability concerns such as HCI issues.) –Design. –Implementation. –Testing. –Maintenance (work in progress, future enhancements).
Product Is the product fit for purpose and complex enough for an MSc project? Is there evidence that the development lifecycle has been followed