FRQ AP Psychology
Format Name FRQ #1 Unit 2 Research Methods # of paragraphs: _____ (# of ) Must be handwritten, in paragraph form, in blue or black ink. Answer the question in order. Skip one full line between points. Begin new paragraph for each point. Cite # of paragraphs required No grade unless format is followed
AP Test = 150 points / 2 hours 100 =Multiple Choice (70 minutes to complete) 50 = FRQ (50 minutes to complete 25 points for each FRQ AP FRQ ( A nswer P rompt) Read the question carefully. Underline/ jot down notes as go. Take a deep breath & think about what you know. Pay attention to prompt – is it asking for a definition, example, or both? Think of your FRQ as multiple short answer questions.
Reading (Grading of the Essay): The process of scoring the exam is called Reading. The readers are high school teachers and college professors. They are typically required to read hundreds of essays. Points are given for each correct answer unless directly contradicted within the same point. There are no deductions and you are not scored on style or aesthetics. If 10 pieces of information are required then each correct answer would have a multiplier of 2.5= 10x2.5=25. If you correctly answered 7/10 pieces=7x2.5=17.5/25
Writing the Essay Forget everything your English teacher told you (sorry Mr. Carboni, Mr Morris, et al) Do not waste time with a lengthy introduction (or conclusion) DO NOT use bullets. Write in complete sentences. Answer questions in order Each new concept is a new paragraph. Keep it simple. Address and dismiss. Don’t add fluff. Be Concise.
Format Name FRQ #1 Unit 2 Research Methods # of paragraphs: ___________ Must be handwritten, in paragraph form, in blue or black ink. Answer the question in order. Skip one full line between points. Begin new paragraph for each point. Cite # of paragraphs required No grade unless format is followed