The Magnificent Middle Best Practices of Medium Chapters ASSE Leadership Conference October 4, 2012 Al Borzych & Neil Yamamoto
Objectives Implement techniques to overcome hurdles through marketing your chapter Recognize & understand how to ask for involvement Identify & meet the needs of your chapter members Enhance meeting strategies to encompass all members Understand that succession planning starts NOW
Techniques To Overcome Hurdles Through Marketing Your Chapter Group Discussion: What are some of YOUR hurdles?
Defining Your Purpose Who is your intended audience? Who actually attends meetings? (break it down by Practice Specialty, industry, geographic location, etc.) Have you reached your potential audience? Networking with your members, other chapters and the use of surveys Finding your Chapter’s “niche”
Marketing 101 Selling your Chapter to current & potential members (WIIFM) Importance of an executive committee & committee chairs. “The Hidden Agenda” Create a compelling story Networking, professional development, credibility Developing leadership & management skills Giving back to membership & individual attention
Using Social Media to fit the needs of YOUR Chapter Newsletters: Why publish it? Who receives it? What is your gain? Can Society help?
Selling your events to other Chapters, Associations & your company Reach out to the community What are “Stars”?
Recognize & Understand How To Ask for Involvement Starting the Process Don’t be afraid of yourself, say “hello” Starting a conversation Showing personal interest toward your members Find out their likes & dislikes
Members in Attendance Are they regularly in attendance? Do they arrive early and stay late? Is there interaction / networking with others? Do they ask questions of the speakers? Why are they there? (topic vs. networking) Are they new to the chapter?
Popping the Question What is the best approach? Be personal Organize your thoughts Do it in person (face-to-face contact) Start with small, achievable requests Be honest with time commitment Assure group is there to support them
A Star is Born Introduce volunteers to ALL members (meetings, newsletters, website, etc.). Include bio & photo. Listen to their ideas Listen to their needs Give direction and let them shine!! Most of all, say “Thank You”
Succession Planning Starts NOW! Group Discussion: Who knows where your Chapter will be in 3-5 years?
Who’s Responsible For Succession Planning? What is succession planning? Is it truly a committee function? Who should be involved? When do you start your planning? The day you become and active member The day you join a committee The day you take office
Term lengths Assistants / Shadows Increase the pool of candidates More chairpersons Committee members with increasing responsibilities
You Can’t Hire A Volunteer But You Can “Lead Them To Water” Socialize Network Care
Business Mentality Set goals Develop a strategic plan Teamwork Marketing Fiscal Responsibility
Congratulations! You’re on your way to solidifying your Chapter’s future