Bees ( Im going to sting you!!!)
Most people have always asked themselves, what importance does bees have on the environment, what uses do they have, and what are bees like? This may help you better understand the concept of bees.
Bees play an important job as bugs of cross pollination in many plants that rely and or depend on certain types of bees such as the red clover which is pollinated by the bumblebee.
Bees Uses Bees also supply us with the delicious source of honey which is to some considered a delicacy. Honey is produced inside the hive and bees collect it when gathering nectar.
Some Types of Bees Bumble beesThe wasp Queen BeeWorker Bee
Bees L ife Span The queen bees life span is 2-5 years and the male bees live for days. The worker bees are all female and they work hard making honey and stinging for self defense and the safety of the queen bee. They live for 1-4 months. Wasps live for days and the male wasp lives slightly longer than the females.
The Queen Bee The queen bee is not the nicest bee around as most may think, there is only one in the hive and if a new queen is born it will most likely kill it or at rare occasions leave with half of the hive which is called a swarm, they are usually not dangerous. The eggs in the hive are covered by royal jelly, honey made by the queen. The queen controls the hive. It also decides where to live in case of a swarm.
Worker Bees Importance A worker bee is any bee that is a female that lacks the full reproductive capacity or amount as the queen bee. Almost all of civilizations food supply depend upon cross pollination which the worker bees do. Cross pollination occurs when the worker bees collect pollen and while they are doing that they rub off onto another plant or flower or even crops. This is required for the reproduction of that plant or flower that has been cross pollinated.
Conclusion I hope this information has let you know more about the importance of bees and the value that they have on us. Without bees, we probably wouldnt have most of the food we have today. This is my power point project on bees. I hope that you enjoyed it.
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