Solar System Project Getting ready to make a scale model
Solar System Project This is going to be a 4 part project! Part 1 – Paper Part 2 – Poster Part 3 – Scale model Calculations and mini-poster Part 4 – Putting up the Scale Model!
Needed Stuff 1 Name of Object Symbol (*) Legend of Objects Name (origin) – Other names Who Discovered it – and When – and how (**) Is it easy to see – or you need a telescope * - some dont have symbols **– Earth wasnt discovered
Needed Stuff 2 Picture –Draw it yourself – or color picture from the web - Pictures of the surface – if anything landed there! (*) * Some have not been landed on – only:Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Eros, Titan
Needed Stuff 3 Type of Object –Rocky – Gassy - Icy Composition –Atmosphere –Planet – surface and interior Description –What is it like Cold, hot, stormy… DAG ALUN
Needed Stuff 4 Mass (in kilograms) Size – Diameter (in kilometers) Distance from the Sun (in kilometers) Eccentricity (circular orbit or serious ellipse) Where is it now? Can you see it now? (ec) Quaoar
Needed Stuff 5 Moons – Names and Descriptions –(Size – Shape – Anything interesting) (*) Rings (*) Tails (*) Spacecraft that have visited that object (ec) * Some dont have moons or rings
Project Topics Mercury Venus Earth Mars Eros Gaspra / Mathilda / Ida Vesta Halleys Comet Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Ceres Quaoar Eris Luna
Project Topics 1- Mercury 2 - Venus 3 - Earth 4 - Mars 5 - Eros 6 - Gaspra / Mathilda / Ida 7 - Vesta 8 - Halleys Comet 9 - Jupiter 10 - Saturn 11 - Uranus 12 - Neptune 13 - Pluto 14 - Ceres 15 - Quaoar 16 – Eris 17 - Luna
Any Questions??? Oh, you want to know how it is going to be graded…
Grading System Name of Object5 Symbol (*) Legend of Objects Name (origin) – Other names10 Who Discovered it – and When – and how (*) Is it easy to see – or you need a telescope Picture10 –Draw it yourself – or color picture from the web –Pictures of the surface – if anything landed there Type of Object10 –Rocky – Gassy - Icy Composition –Atmosphere –Planet – surface and interior Description5 –What is it like Mass (in kilograms)10 Size – Diameter (in kilometers) Distance from the Sun (in kilometers) Eccentricity (circular orbit or serious ellipse) Moons – Names and Descriptions 5+ –(Size – Shape – Anything interesting) (*) Rings (*) Tails (*) Spacecraft that have visited that object Where is it now? Can you see it now? (ec) Some things will not have symbols, moons rings, tails and the like – obviously it wont be held against you. 55 points +