Twitter and other social media #TERENA
Twitter: from buzz to mass medium
What it is all about
Twitter in context (1/3) -Social
Twitter in context (2/3) -Work (Maxime Verhagen is the Dutch minister of foreign affairs)
Twitter in context (3/3) -News
Some other examples…
What is true? Dutch writer shows a picture of himself to prove it’s really him
Twitter-basics -Tweet: A message on twitter -Followers: People that follow your account -Following: People you follow -DM: direct message (tweet begins with D ‘space’ username) -Reply: an answer to another Twitter-user begins -RT: retweet: used to indicate that you are forwarding a Twitter message -Remember: you only have 140 characters. This includes usernames, RT etc. etc. So try using short names!
Using Twitter -Web: -TweetdeckTweetdeck -Powertwitter, Twitterfox (add-ons) -Mobile -Search: -Hashtags (#event)Hashtags
Showing Tweets -TwitterfountainTwitterfountain -CoveritliveCoveritlive -TweetgridTweetgrid -Widgets (via -TwitterfallTwitterfall -TweetchannelTweetchannel -Meer tools:
Do’s and don’ts -Show that the account is used by a person (photo, link) -Update your account on a regular basis -Respond to what other people write, but remember that you are in a public place: maybe other media are more appropriate for what you want to discuss. -Be polite;-)
What could/should an NREN do with Twitter? -Forward your newsletter to Twitter -Monitor what other people are saying about you? -Information on (network-)problems? -Helpdesk? -Reporting on events? -Provide information on how to use the medium for employees
Who to follow? (in Dutch…) (Harriet Damen) -And others In Holland there is a guide which lists Twitter-users; it has a uk, be, de and com version as well: -
Some clips: -Twouble with TwittersTwouble with Twitters -The Twitter Global MindThe Twitter Global Mind -How to Use Twitter HashtagsHow to Use Twitter Hashtags
Other useful links - (checks the availability of usernames on loads of platforms) - Social media in numbersSocial media in numbers - What the f**k is social media?What the f**k is social media? - Use case DellUse case Dell