Twitter : #nhfn Using informatics to target use of Specialist Nurses to improve hospital care for people with learning disabilities Daniel Marsden – Practice Development Nurse Pene Stevens – Head of Learning Disability Nursing Steven Taylor – Senior Practitioner Penny Moroney – Senior Practitioner
Twitter : #nhfn Background Current Monitor Compliance Indicator –Does the trust have a mechanism in place to identify and flag patients with learning disabilities and protocols that ensure that pathways of care are reasonably adjusted to meet the health needs of these patients?
Twitter : #nhfn Hospital Context One F/T Practice Development Nurse 1400 beds over 3 Acute Hospitals – 3 rd biggest Trust in UK How do I develop practice of over 7000 staff?
Twitter : #nhfn Data Analysis Figure 5 showing the number of admissions for people with learning disabilities between July 2008 and July Number of people with learning disabilities using Trust services Number of Admissions
Twitter : #nhfn Patient Centre Flagging GP Registers? Hospital Information Team provided us 1500 names F819 ICD- 10 code Manually inputting on Patient Centre
Twitter : #nhfn Inquiry into use of data Realised Patient Centre Flag was not having the desired effect Leadership for Informed Practice had me question again how we could track EKHUFT Information team solution QlikView
Twitter : #nhfn QlikView Dashboard EKHUFT bought QlikView for Business and financial management Information Dept adapted it for clinical applications
Twitter : #nhfn QlikView – Excel Spreadsheet Behind the dashboard is an Spreadsheet that draws information out of Patient Centre every 2 minutes. The blue dots represent people with learning disabilities Flagged on Patient Centre.
Twitter : #nhfn Learning Disability Link role Formalised links between EKHUFT & KCHT Exploration of what Learning Disability Link Nurse role meant
Twitter : #nhfn Referrals to Learning Disability Link Nurses One Nurse for each Hospital Who would be referred and why? How would we create an audit trail and evaluate?
Twitter : #nhfn Refining the questions Referrals for people –visiting A&E > 4 times or –being admitted > 3 times in the last year. Excel spreadsheet to gather details and outcomes. 30 referrals in the last 14 weeks
Twitter : #nhfn Outcomes- Case studies One man experienced significant bowel pain and diarrhoea. 12 visits to A&E and 8 admissions. Discharge planning with CLDN, reduced pain and discomfort. One man visited A&E 50 times in the last year ~ £10,000 Collaborative intervention = 9 weeks without visits.
Twitter : #nhfn Outcomes – Case studies Individual with urology issues – repeated admissions for washouts via A&E. CLDN input has most washouts in the community.
Twitter : #nhfn Themes Responsive service –Specialist Nurse intervention Increasing productivity Data quality Gap analysis –May – 79 Admissions, 10 referrals. Other uses for QlikView
Twitter : #nhfn What’s next? Evaluation –Individual outcomes –Cost savings Publication? Further adaptations to QlikView
Twitter : #nhfn For further information Daniel Marsden – Practice Development Nurse for people with learning disabilities Mobile es