ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC Social ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC Media Blogging as the Front Door to © Protected Intellectual Property. Do not copy or distribute without written permission. 2009
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC Today Customers Want: Content that is filtered, aggregated, and delivered in a Context that makes it useful for people who are starving to make Connections with people, products and brands they can build a Community around and trust. C+C+C+C = Social media marketing
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC What exactly is a blog? Software that allows you to post content online Journal like, chronological order Allows reader to post their own comments Allows readers to subscribe – “RSS” Search engines receives pings when blog updated Plenty of widgets to add features Blogs enable you to create Content + Context + Connections + Community
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC Online Communication Blogs in Context Texting Blog Post Micro Blog Posts (twitter, FB status, etc.) Network/publicaccess SpecificTargeted ThoroughBrief LettersPostcards
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC What Do People Do Online?
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC Why Blog? To be found by all the people searching! Beats websites hands down- recency and relevance Key words are critical
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC Identifying Your Key Words Exercise Check out our blog for more tools
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC Maslowe meets Social Media Blogs, Micro Blogs Social networks RSS Social Search Emerg -ing Social Bookmarking J Jantsch – Duct Tape Mktg
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC The New Marketing Toolbox Marketing – Continue to build relationships with the people you know through newsletters and blast offers Blogging – Attract and acquire new relationships with people as a result of being found in ORGANIC SEARCH Pay Per Click – Acquire customers as a result of being found in PAID search Website – serves as hub, attracts some search Advanced Social Media referrals and advertising -
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC Twitter: Why Would You Use It? Would you like to connect with others in your industry? Would you like a way to get instant access to what’s being said this minute about your organization, products or brand? Would you like to monitor what is being said about your customers? Would you like to extent the reach of your thought leadership?
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC Jump Into The Blogosphere! 1.Research other blogs: blog link, competition, google alert, RSS, alltop 2.Set one up: Compendium, Blogger, WordPress 3.Identify and use key words: 4.Get Content: s, other blogs, industry sources 5.Register: with blog search engines like blogsearch, technorati, bloglines, etc. 6.Check to ensure meeting objectives 7.Revise as necessary 8.Move up the Social Media hierarchy
ColemanEnnis CONSULTING, LLC kwitcherbellyakin Experiment – Plan – Get Help – Implement – Sustain
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