10 pseudo-scientific myths about learning 1. Behaviourism 2. Learning styles 3. L/R brain theories 4. Mozart effect 5. Most of Piaget 6. Vygotsky 7. Maslow 8. NLP 9. Kirkpatrick 10. Get a life not a coach
10 ignored scientific facts about learning 1. Spaced practice 2. Cognitive overload 3. Chunking 4. Order 5. Episodic & semantic memory 6. Psychological attention 7. Context 8. Media mix 9. Learn by doing 10. Peer groups
10 ways to keep courses short 1. Learning objectives 2. ‘Introduction’ 3. Pretty but useless graphics 4. Text 5. Audio 6. Annoying animation 7. Video 8. Glossary 9. Abandon fixed times 10. Happy sheets
10 ways to massively increase retention 1. Self- rehearsal 2. Take notes 3. Blogging 4. Repetition 5. Delayed assessment 6. Record 7. Spaced e-learning 8. Mobile technology 9. Games 10. Simulations
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Kirkpatrick STOPS innovative learning
Recommendations Kill Kirkpatrick Customise to decision makers Customise to decisions Don’t harvest - sample Keep it simple
Binkerhoff’s Success Case Method -Qualitative analysis -Find out quickly what's working and what's not -Mining for best and worst cases -All about IMPACT on organisation
Robert Stake's Responsive Evaluation -Quantitative & qualitative analysis -Observe and respond -Customise to situation
Daniel Stufflebeam's CIPP Model: Context ( needs, assets, and problems within a defined environment) Input (competing strategies & work plans & budgets of selected approach) Process (monitor, document, and assess program activities) Product (impact, effectiveness, sustainability, and scalability) Decision/Accountability-Oriented Evaluation (Stufflebeam, 2001, in Evaluation Models)