Social networking and youth 12 May 2011 – A Prevention Strategy
What is Social Networking? Social networking is a term used to describe a way to communicate with others through networked websites, chatrooms, and cell phone texting. These sites include and many more!
Popularity of Social Networking Over the past few years, social networking has become a popular means of communication for youth. Most networking sites are free and easy to access making them popular among youth.
What Parents Should Know Social networking can have a powerful influence on youth. Cyberbullying is a recent term coined to describe hurtful remarks made about an individual through a networking site causing emotional damage. Sometimes objectionable content can be found on social networking sites.
What Parents Should Know Privacy is normally not considered. Personal information can be obtained by potential predators.
How Can Parents Help There are several safety available online. Here is a quick summary of some safety habits for parents and youth. Monitor use of social networking sites. Periodically review accounts for privacy information. Create your own networking account and befriend your children. Restrict stranger’s access to your child’s account by using “friend only” security measures which limits access to their account to only whom they have befriended.
How Children Can Help Never talk to someone you don’t know. Be careful what you post about others. Be respectful. Tell your parents if you see something questionable like a comment written by someone else or content that is inappropriate.
Resources Social Networking tips: ng.php ng.php Texting and Sexting: blackfoot.pdf blackfoot.pdf m/pdf/Sexting-Parents.pdf m/pdf/Sexting-Parents.pdf