Circulation Version 16 changes April 2004 Moshe Shechter
v.16 Circulation 2 A color picture can be added to a patron record. Many formats are supported: JPG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, JIF, RLE and DIB. Picture files are centrally stored in USR00/bor_pics. Patron Picture
v.16 Circulation 3 Permissions for Z308 Permission control for viewing Z308 IDs and for updating Z308 IDs Z308 records are accessible/updatable for patrons with Z305 Local Patron record. When in shared patron environment, Z308 records are accessible/updateable only for staff that handles the patron’s administrative permissions.
v.16 Circulation 4 Permission to View/Update Z308 IDs (1) USER-IDS-PERMISSION Default : 0 0 = No Check - Can view/update patron IDs 1 = Can view/update patron IDs only if the patron has any Z305 records. 2 = Can view/update patron IDs only if the patron has Z305 records other than ALEPH.
v.16 Circulation 5 Permission to View/Update Z308 IDs (2) 3 = Can view/update patron IDs only if connected to a library that includes the patron's home library. If set to 3, Z303-HOME-LIBRARY is a mandatory field when creating a new patron.
v.16 Circulation 6 Permission to View/Update Z308 IDs (3) 4 = Can view/update patron IDs only if connected to a library that includes one of the sublibraries in the patron's list of locally privileged libraries.
v.16 Circulation 7 Permission to View/Update Z308 IDs (4)
v.16 Circulation 8 Permission to View/Update Z308 IDs (5)
v.16 Circulation 9 Permission to Update Z304 Addresses (1) USER-ADDR-PERMISSION Default : 0 0 = No Check - Can update patron addresses 1 = Can update patron addresses only if has any Z305 records. 2 = Can update patron addresses only if has Z305 records other than ALEPH.
v.16 Circulation 10 3 = Can update Addresses only if connected to a library that includes the patron's home library. If set to 3, Z303-HOME-LIBRARY is a mandatory field when creating a new patron. Permission to Update Z304 Addresses (2)
v.16 Circulation 11 Permission to Update Z304 Addresses (3)
v.16 Circulation 12 Permission to Update Z304 Addresses (4)
v.16 Circulation 13 Permission to Update Z303 Global Info USER-PERMISSION - 03 Default : 0 0 = No Check - Can update patron addresses 3 = Can update Addresses only if connected to a library that includes the patron's home library If set to 3, Z303-HOME-LIBRARY is a mandatory field when creating a new patron.
v.16 Circulation 14 Permission to Update Z303 Global Info
v.16 Circulation 15 Overdue Fines (1) New overdue fine methods: Fine method F "Total days by intervals" Method F in tab16, col. 14 uses the intervals set up in the new table tab_late_return to calculate fines. The sums set up in this table are treated as an actual amount and not as a ratio per day.
v.16 Circulation 16 Overdue Fines (2) New overdue fine methods: Fine Method R "First day fixed, then open days" Method R in tab16, col. 14 levies a fine of 2 for the first day and then continues to calculate according to fine method 2 for all further days. No other fine on the first day. Calculation starts on the second day.
v.16 Circulation 17 Overdue Fines (3) Minimum fine and fixed addition to fine: A fine threshold, under which the fine will be treated as a zero fine Addition of a fixed amount to any calculated fine
v.16 Circulation 18 ! ! !!!!!-!!-!!-!!-!-!!!!!!!!-!!-!-!!!!-!!!!-!!!!!-!!!-!!!-!-!-!!!!!!!!-!-!!!!-!!!-! !!-!!-!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!! USM50 99 ## ## A ## ## A R 09 D Overdue Fines (4) Fine Method RMinimum Fine Fixed Fine Addition tab16:
v.16 Circulation 19 Alternative Circulation Blocking Different set of blocks than in regular circulation activity Define new custom table in tab_check_circ as an alternative to tab_block_circ Table is locally defined, including table name and setup Can be used for a lower threshold for renewal through the X Server
v.16 Circulation 20 Alternative Circulation Blocking RENEW-GBL check_circ_1_a !RENEW-GBL check_circ_9_a X-GBL check_circ_10_a tab_block_circ_x_server !RR-LOAN check_circ_2_d tab_check_circ:
v.16 Circulation 21 Advance Booking from GUI Advance booking is possible from the Circulation GUI. A hold request on an item with advance booking status automatically opens an advance booking schedule. The number of days visible in this advance booking schedule is set by the variable pc_item_schedule defined in pc_server_defaults.
v.16 Circulation 22 Bibliographic Request (1) Bib request instead of item request The hold is placed on a bibliographic record All items are considered The first available item according to preference is chosen New tables: tab37_campus_filter tab37_campus_preferred
v.16 Circulation 23 Bibliographic Request (2) tab37_campus_filter ! !!!!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!-! ##### ## ## ## ## Y N UARCV ## ## ## ## Y N UELEC ## ## ## ## Y N ULAW ## ## ## 03 N N ULAW ## ## ## 02 N N UGDOC ## ## ## ## N N ##### ## ## Y N ##### ## ## ## ## Y Y Excludes certain hold requests from consideration by the request router according to the setup.
v.16 Circulation 24 Bibliographic Request (3) tab37_campus_preferred Determines the order of preference for supplying sublibraries for requested items. ! !!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-…-!!!!! ILL01 UELEC UARCV ILL02 ULAW ##### URLEC UEDUD UHLTH ULINC URDOC RLINK ULAW ULAW ULINC UHLTH USCI UEDUC USCI UHLTH USCI UELEC ULINC UEDUC UEDUC UUPTN ULINC USCI ##### UARCV ULAW UELEC UEDUC UGDOC
v.16 Circulation 25 Bibliographic Request (4) New services:cir-24 cir-240 cir-24 request router redistributes (O)riginal or (C)opy z37_source statuses among similar items. Z37 O Z37 C Z37 C Z37 C Z37 O Z37 C Z37 C Z37 C
v.16 Circulation 26 Bibliographic Request (5) New services:cir-24 cir-240 cir-240 cleans leftover hold requests.
v.16 Circulation 27 Free-of-Charge Messages (1) If a library charges for postal expenses only, it will not want to charge for sending an message. A switch in tab18.lng prevents the charging for specific transactions if a letter is sent by .
v.16 Circulation 28 ! !!!!-!!!!!-!!-!-!!!!!!!!!!-!- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0015 ##### ## Y N ILL material arrival 0042 ##### ## Y Y Lost material - Notice Free-of-Charge Messages (2) Refers to the following cash transactions only: 0015,0024,0026,0027,0028,0042,0080,0081,0082, 0083,0090,1024,1026,1027,1028
v.16 Circulation 29 Free-of-Charge Messages (3),1028 form-print-method S Additional conditions: Patron must have a valid address. The line: Column 4 in print.ini must be set to "M" to ensure that notifications are sent via if possible. must be present in the matching translation file.
v.16 Circulation 30 Multiple Time Zones (1) Working with different time zones in the same ALEPH installation: The multiple time zone functionality is intended for use at installations that have many sites (ADM libraries) that run ALEPH on a shared central computer and that have ADM libraries spread over a geographic area that includes different time zones.
v.16 Circulation 31 Multiple Time Zones (2) The special multiple time zone functionality uses a local time, instead of the central computer's system time, for some circulation activities. Setup in tab100: TIMEZONE-ADJ Values : Default : 0
v.16 Circulation 32 Multiple Time Zones (3) Example: Server time is 4:30 PM. ADM50 is + = 5:30 PM. ADM51 is not shifted = 4:30 PM ADM50: Open hours of a sublibrary are 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM. One hour loan is rolled over to the next day (if CHANGE-DUE-HOUR is set to Y). ADM51: One hour loan is loaned until 5:30 PM. This functionality determines the offset hour for a given library in cases where date and time are used.
v.16 Circulation 33 Multiple Time Zones (4) The Oracle records and fields affected by this are: Z31Payment hour Z35Event hour Z36Loan hour Return hour Due date/hour Z37Open hour
v.16 Circulation 34 Station Identifier (1) Workstation identification independent of IP Dependent on setup of tab_attr_sub_library CIRCDESK 1 UARCV UELEC URLEC UGDOC URDOC 3 USCI UUPTN URPTN 4 5 USM * 1 UARCV UELEC 3 UUPTN URPTN 4 5 USM50
v.16 Circulation 35 Station Identifier (2) Station identification by function possible Example: CIRC1, CIRC2, RETURN, ILL Station identification by staff group name possible Example: STUDENTS, CLERK, SUPERVISOR, LIBRARIAN Station identification by staff name possible Example: SUE, JOE, BOSS
v.16 Circulation 36 Operator Identifier (1) Identification of library staff for circulation activity The switch CATALOGER-IP determines whether to display the operator’s staff name or the operator’s IP in GUI fields where the operator’s identity appears.
v.16 Circulation 37 Operator Identifier (2) Setup in tab100 CATALOGER-IP - YN Y = Z36-LOAN-CATALOGER-NAME, Z36-RETURN- CATALOGER-NAME and Z36-RENEW-CATALOGER- NAME will display the operator’s IP address. N = Z36-LOAN-CATALOGER-NAME, Z36-RETURN- CATALOGER-NAME and Z36-RENEW-CATALOGER- NAME will display the operator’s name.
v.16 Circulation 38 Operator Identifier (3)
v.16 Circulation 39 Operator Identifier (4)
v.16 Circulation 40 Value Added Tax - VAT (GST) Cash transactions can include a VAT component. A column in tab18.lng determines the VAT rate that will be used to calculate the cash transaction value.
v.16 Circulation 41 Value Added Tax - VAT (GST)
v.16 Circulation 42 Value Added Tax - VAT (GST)
v.16 Circulation 43 Patron Scrubbing – cir-32 This service removes the patron IDs from records that are only kept for statistical reasons. The records that can be scrubbed are Z31,Z36H,Z37H,Z40 and Z35.
v.16 Circulation 44 Patron Scrubbing – cir-32 The service will scrub all of the required records that are older than the number of days specified by the user, swapping the patron ID with SCRyyyymmdd, where yyyymmdd is the execution date.
v.16 Circulation 45 Patron Scrubbing – cir-32 If the Cash Table (Z31) is scrubbed, only transactions that are closed or waived will be scrubbed. If the ILL Patron Requests Table (Z40) is scrubbed, only requests that are closed or cancelled will be scrubbed.
v.16 Circulation 46 Fast Patron Registration Activated when the ‘New Patron’ option is chosen, if FastPatronRegistration=Y is set in circ.ini Allowing to register Z303, Z304, Z305 and Z308 on a single form.
v.16 Circulation 47 Fast Patron Registration
v.16 Circulation 48 Fast Patron Registration Defaults : Saved by clicking the ‘Save Defaults’ button: * Z303-CON-LNG * Z303-HOME-LIBRARY * Z303-ILL-LIBRARY * Z305-SUB-LIBRARY
v.16 Circulation 49 Fast Patron Registration Defaults : Saved in USR00/tab/tab_fast_patron_register * Z303-ILL-TOTAL-LIMIT=0555 * Z303-ILL-ACTIVE-LIMIT=0444 * Z303-EXPORT-CONSENT=N * Z303-SEND-ALL-LETTERS=N * Z304-DATE-TO= Y * Z305-BOR-TYPE=DR * Z303-PLIF-MODIFICATION=A B D E
v.16 Circulation 50 Cash Export/Import Two services : -cash-10 exports cash transactions to an XML file -cash-11 imports cash transactions from an input XML file.
v.16 Circulation 51 Cash Export/Import -cash-10 exports information from Z31,Z303,Z304,Z308 -cash-11 imports cash transactions from an input XML file of the following format :
Circulation Version 15 changes April 2004 Moshe Shechter
v.16 Circulation 53 General Cash Transactions tab_attr_sub_library If a transaction of type 5 (not item-specific) has no sublibrary listed, it will default to the ADM library. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!!!!!-!!!!!
v.16 Circulation 54 Fine for Late Recalled Items Tab100 variable OVERDUE-RECALL-RATIO - Y N B Default: Y This switch defines whether lines in tab18.lng (fines relating to recalled items) are to be treated as a ratio or as an actual amount Y or blank = lines are ratio N = lines are actual amount B = Both - lines are actual amount but they are added to tab16 amount
v.16 Circulation 55 Cash Transaction Mismatch For a new transaction, a warning appears if a manually entered fine differs from the default (as set in tab18.lng).
v.16 Circulation 56 Cash Subtotal by Sublibrary A button on the Cash tab for displaying a breakdown of the total owed by a sublibrary
v.16 Circulation 57 A New Tab100 Flag UPDATE-RECALL-DATE Values:Y N Default: N This variable determines if, when an item is loaned, and there is a matching outstanding hold request, the loaned item should immediately be considered "recalled", or whether a loaned item becomes "recalled" only through the batch recall service (cir-13). Y = item loan can trigger "recall" if there is a matching "O" request. N = recall of a loaned item is triggered only by b- cir-13.
v.16 Circulation 58 New Circ Checks Check expiry date approaching (by parameter in tab30) (check_circ_1_c_b) Re-loaning an item to the same patron (by delay parameter in tab15.lng) (check_circ_7_c) Check expiry date (check_circ_1_c_a)
v.16 Circulation 59 New Circ.ini Variable RenewOverrideAllSimilar=Y This switch controls whether or not the same error is ignored if it has previously been overridden for the same item. If set to Y, the system ignores the same error message if the item is renewed again. If set to N, the system displays and relates to an error message that was overridden on the occasion of an earlier renew action. The setting refers to both single Renew action and to a Renew All action.
v.16 Circulation 60 New www_server.conf Variable The recall type for Web OPAC requests is set in www_server.conf Parameter www_z37_recall_type defines recall type
v.16 Circulation 61 Patron Information Proxy Tab It is possible to switch back and forth between a sponsor and his proxy using the patron tab Proxies/Sponsor node.
v.16 Circulation 62 Patron Deleting – cir-23 The service deletes patron records based on an input file and filters. Entire patron (Z303/Z304/Z305/Z308) and attached records (Z14,Z31,Z37,Z38) OR Local patron (Z305) and attached records (Z14,Z31,Z37,Z38) The patron is checked for : –Loans (can’t be overridden) –Hold requests (can be overridden) –Photocopy Requests (can be overridden) –Outstanding ILL requests (can’t be overridden –Routing List Leader (can be overridden)
v.16 Circulation 63 Patron Deleting – cir-23 In a Multi-ADM environment, the Z303 record of a patron registered to an ADM library participating in a shared environment will be deleted, unless this patron has Z305 records in another ADM library. In that case only the local information (Z305 records) of the active library will be deleted.
v.16 Circulation 64 Hold Shelf Report – cir-06 The report now shows the next requestor’s ID and name. It used to indicate only that there was another request waiting.
v.16 Circulation 65 Patron Loader (file-20) It is now possible to protect existing fields from being overrun when the patron loader is used. This is done using the Z303-PLIF-MODIFICATION field. This field can use a combination of the values (separated by space) : –A - do not modify address records at all. –B - do not modify the borrower status. –D - do not modify the borrower expiry date. –E = Do not modify the borrower’s address (Z304-MAIL- ADDRESS). –1 - do not modify user records at all (Z303/Z304/Z305/Z308).
v.16 Circulation 66 Patron Loader (file-20) This is set in the patron’s global information ‘Global Blocks and Notes’ tab
Circulation Version 16 changes April 2004 THANK YOU