Promoting Equity: Response to Intervention at Tier II Presented by Alli Rudich – Principal Heidi Pergande - Reading Specialist Donges Bay School Mequon-Thiensville School District
Please stand if you… Brought a Starbucks beverage to the Summit this morning Are excited to learn something new today Recently created, collected, or submitted an “artifact” Planned any PD in the past week Participated in a professional twitter chat this year Had a conversation focused on literacy in the last 24 hours Haven’t stood up yet!
DB: Demographics ○ 460 Students ○ 8% African American ○ 6.1% Asian ○ 4.1% Hispanic ○ 10% Special Education ○ 7% Low SES ○ Chapter 220 Program
Donges Bay 2010 ○ Minimal PLCs ~ still in the learning stages ○ Mine vs. Ours culture/Lack of shared responsibility ○ No common reading/writing curriculum/structure ○ No decision making expectations for reading intervention ○ Minimal implementation/understanding of RTI ○ No school wide behavior expectations
Donges Bay 2015 ○ Year 3 of PBIS has shown significant reduction in behavior referrals. ○ Joint decision making process for interventions through a Student Review Process where we analyze student data. ○ Year 3 of a structured daily intervention block. ○ Classroom teachers take responsibility for progress monitoring of students ○ Student Action Plans monitor students in the yellow/red. ○ Established PLCs at each grade level with a Special Education Representative. PLCs are visited monthly by specialists/principal and focus on student data. ○ Shared responsibility for students on caseload and classroom. ○ 3 rd year of Co-teaching classrooms ○ Reduction of students on special education caseload. ○ Mentoring for teachers with students on specialist caseloads.
Looking forward and beyond ○ Focus on Social Emotional Wellbeing ○ Focus Group ○ Staff analyzing and implementing aligned culturally responsive practices ○ Developing a teacher coaching relationship with specialists
Accountable Ambitious Collaborative Inclusive Respectful Responsive Strength Based Principles of Cultural Competence Washington State Department of Education
Using Data for Placement Screening all students Performing additional diagnostic testing for students falling below target Other Data Observations Student Work Samples Surveys Collaboratively analyzing data determining size of gap & reason(s) for gap Developing goals and writing action steps
Group Based Interventions Implementing research based interventions with qualified teachers Cultural responsiveness to race, cultures, ethnicities, abilities, and thinking styles Welcoming, accepting, and valuing differences among our families Adapting instruction and placement in groupings as needed Remember reading is a global process – breaking skills into too many pieces can be counterproductive
What questions do you have? Take a minute to reflect on the instruction currently happening in your school… Assess and Share Strengths Challenges Needs Next Steps
Monitoring Effectiveness Frequent, ongoing, progress monitoring targeting all identified deficits Reflective “What are we doing well?” “What can we do better?” Commitment to ongoing professional development, training, coaching, and administrative support Continue to focus on what’s effective Four years: PBIS, RtI, Reading & Writing Workshop