Accounting and Finance Verification Group 266 SEV Update Kim Tree October 2009
Highlights HN Visiting verification –Limited activity in line with SQA sampling policy –Graded Unit 2 visits fewer than previous years as we all gain more experience in delivering this Unit. SVQ Visiting verification –Fewer centres offering SVQ
Development Visits Verification Team have undertaken a number of development visits during the last year which provide centres with some support on a one-to- one basis. These are available for every centre for a fee of £100. Support can be aimed at a specific Unit or a wider programme.
Graded Units Limited central verification, in line with SQA sampling policy. Most centres had used Assessment Exemplar Packs. GU2 has a variety of case study scenarios which allows the centre to select one which is appropriate to their location. Centres can contextualise assessment instruments.
Other Awards PDA awards – 3 awards introduced in August Delivered on evening class/part-time basis or as integral part of HNC. Available for clients who wish to have training programme relevant to the particular workplace requirement.
Good Practice Many centres contextualising assessment instruments. Centres becoming confident to design alternative assessment instruments which are not clones of the exemplars. Feedback from candidates interviewed during visits has been very positive about the support from centres and advice on progression.
Understanding Standards Exemplification of GU marking: Graded Unit 2 ─ B grade project Graded Unit 3 2 questions at A, B and C Access the website – At the foot of the scrolling menu on the right-hand side, click ‘HN Beta’. On receiving the password prompt, type in the following: Username: hnauthor Password: usw72 (HN section of Understanding Standards website secure to restrict access to staff only)
Visiting Verification Verification Team will continue with the procedure of reviewing Units across the two main areas –Cost/Management Accounting –Financial Accounting Team review Units across – – HNC & HND – SVQ Levels 2 & 3 Team include in the HN verification, Units which fall into other frameworks.
Security of Assessment Exemplars Assessment exemplars widely used by centres on an ongoing basis. Some centres becoming less careful about security of these documents. Exemplars must NOT be used as practice assessments. Any centre devised assessments can be submitted for prior verification (free service).
Session EVs will receive their allocations of centres to visit shortly. Centres should hear before mid-December 2009 if they can expect a routine visit for either HN or SVQ. Visits relating to Graded Units will be arranged during the early part of Development visits can be requested at any time.
General Points VAT rate – it may become necessary to amend the VAT rate in assessment instruments after December All assessment instruments should be kept up to date as appropriate – any doubt submit for prior verification. Tax assessment instruments need to be kept up to date GU3 needs to be amended in line with Tax changes.
The Future? Uptake of the qualifications on the increase. Updated framework from 2010 Have an award that continues to meet the needs of all stakeholders More detailed EV reports
Contact us? Remember that we are part of your team. Use us as a resource. Ask us questions and advice – we have nearly 100 years of experience amongst the team members! Prior verification of assessment instruments gives your peace of mind. Contact us via Jennifer Blain or via Linda Meikle or Sharon O’Neil.
Verification Team The team worked very hard during Two new members – –Linda McAllister –Mark Slaven One member left us –Stephen Davis Thanks to all for their hard work over the year