What can we learn from using social media in an emergency ? Patou Clerc – Blue Mountains City Library
Social media can be a source of useful information o So, how is it organised? o And how can we retrieve it? Online community engagement intensified o How can we build on this? Stories are created on Social Media o How can we keep these stories and make them accessible?
Blogs Flickr Facebook & Twitter Pinterest & Tumblr Book Crossing & Good Reads Podcast & Video channels
# nswrfs; # nswfires; # nswfire; # BlueMountains; # Lithgow; # Springwood; # Winmalee; # firefighters
Link conversations Searchable Function as subject headings Organic Official hashtags Hashtag – noun A word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media sites such as Twitter to identify messages on a specific topic Oxford Dictionaries Online
Search by words hashtags people places dates moodsSearches are fluid can be saved
“With traditional sources of comfort like Christchurch Cathedral left damaged in the quakes, people turned to social media for support, says an expert. Photo / Doug Sherring”
Three communication components Listen Inform Interact
Monitor conversations Identify concerns Situational awareness Do you follow specific hashtags? Do you regularly monitor social media for situational awareness (knowing what is going on around you)? Do you have a list of blogs, Facebook pages, and Twitter accounts of local people and organisations who could help you gather information from the communities? Does your organisation have the necessary human skills to use social media to conduct situational awareness?
Providing relevant content Increasing broadcast reach Does your library have guidelines on the use of social media for the social media team? For the rest of the team? Does your library have a team dedicated to your social media communication? Which are your objectives in terms of growth in scope (Increase the age/ ethnicity/ gender/ geographical range of Facebook fans, twitter followers, etc.)? Do you have a strategy so that your social media network can grow?
Participation in conversations Facilitation of exchanges Do you have partnerships for sharing methods of two ways communication (with private sectors, etc.)? Do you retweet your followers? Can your library receive and react to public input via social media? Do you have a forum where you can exchange in real time with the community?
Situation unclear at this stage Online tools such as Storify A national/state approach