Tempo run Ally Zitzman
MOTIVATION Health benefits aren’t always enough to get one moving and out of the door. Having motivation to workout and maintain a healthy lifestyle is sometimes hard to find, especially since in this day and age people are more STRESSED and EXTREMELY BUSY. MUSIC is a huge workout companion and TEMPO RUN tries to help coordinate the music with your workout.
Tempo Run Tempo Run’s overall goal is to make running enjoyable. Tempo Run will automatically categorize your music into levels 1-10 based on the tempo. Level 1 = walking Level 5= jogging Level 10= sprinting All of the songs on these levels have a similar beat and vibe to keep you having and exhilarating run!
On your run you can easily manage your songs and your speed. It’s quick and easy to get your run out of the way. With Tempo Run you can get a view of your progress, and keep track of your history training.
How to access Tempo Run? You can access Tempo Run on any APP store one has on their IPOD/Smart Phone/ IPAD. TEMPO RUN IS FREE! So why not download it to try to have your workout companion match your running style while you are still in control!