Welcome to 6 th Grade Language Arts! Warm-Up: Parent Activity We will begin shortly! Mrs. Sara Sullivan
Oakland University Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, May 2010 Endorsement in Language Arts Teaching Experience Van Hoosen Middle School –2011 – Present North Hill Elementary, Fourth Grade –Student Teaching –Permanent 4 th grade Guest Teacher Additional Teaching Experience Long Meadow Elementary, Literacy Summer Camp HT Burt Elementary, First Grade Walt Whitman Elementary, Sixth Grade Pontiac Academy of Excellence, Third Grade United Oaks Elementary, Kindergarten Teaching Related Experience Holly Day Treatment, Social Work Internship Ennis Center for Children, Mental Health Internship
Sara Sullivan Rochester Resident 5 th year at Van Hoosen Patrick (husband) Collin and Olivia (children)
My Schedule SCHOOL STARTS 7:30 SCHOOL ENDS 2:27 Half days end 10:45 1 st HourALA67:45-8:43 2 nd HourLA68:48-9:46 3 rd Hour ALA69:51-10:49 4 th HourLA6 10:54-11:53 C Lunch LUNCH 11:53-12:23 5 th Hour PREP12:28-1:25 6 th HourALA6 1:30-2:27
CURRICULUM Common Core Standards (bookmark - website) Reading Writing Speaking Viewing Listening
Reading $4.00$8.00 (ALA6 Only) $2.00 Explore all GENRES Holt McDougal Literature Book SHORT STORIES CLASS NOVELS ONLINE ORDERING INFORMATION Class Activation Code: J8W7C
Writing Creative Writing Personal Narrative EXPOSITORY Compare and Contrast Literary Analysis Argument CERC Evidence-Based Expository C – CLAIM E – EVIDENCE R – REASONING C - CONCLUSION
Login page is Student Login: School username + h Password: holtstudents
Communication Class WebsitePlannersRemind 101 Parent/Teacher Conferences Report Cards Progress Reports TwitterInstagram
@mrssullivanVH mrssullivan24 Follow Mrs. Sullivan’s Class!
LA 6
Absences Do not worry Check my classroom web page. me. Exceeds 2 days, may request homework from the office. What should I do when my child is absent? Student is responsible for checking the absence folder once they return. Allowed one day per each day absence to complete and turn in assignment. Absence (Due to Illness) Must request homework five days prior to absence. Make-up work is due the first day of return. Absence (Due to pre- planned Circumstances)
Grading Citizenship Behavior Participation Letter Daily Work Quiz or Tests Presentations Individual & Group Projects Observations Student interviews Please visit myRCS often to view grades
Helpful Steps 1.Check MyRCS 2. Talk to your child 3. Student Initiative
Parent Involvement “A child’s first and most influential teacher is the parent” -unknown Volunteer in the school Check planner and classroom website regularly Help/monitor homework Join the PTSA Attend school functions Feel free to contact me at anytime with question and/or feedback
Language Arts Binder GrammarSpelling/Vocabulary ReadingWriting Other
Looking forward to a spectacular year! Thank you!
My Educational Philosophy Every Child has the ability to learn Everyday is a new day. Starting with a clean slate Create a positive learning environment Set high expectations for each student Encourage responsibility and independence