Integration/Dissemination of MERHAB Autonomous Research Vessel In-situ sampler (MARVIN) data.


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Presentation transcript:

Integration/Dissemination of MERHAB Autonomous Research Vessel In-situ sampler (MARVIN) data

MARVIN Near real-time - Caloosahatchee River (MARVIN II) - Caloosahatchee River (MARVIN II) - Fort Myers (MARVIN I) - Fort Myers (MARVIN I) Archived Data - St. John’s River ( ) - St. John’s River ( ) Data Logger - Campbell Scientific CR23-X - Campbell Scientific CR23-X Data Telemetry - Satellite (GOES) - Satellite (GOES)

MARVIN Parameters Measured - air temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed and - air temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, relative humidity, precipitation, salinity, direction, relative humidity, precipitation, salinity, water temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, water temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, NO3+NO2, chlorophyll, PAR NO3+NO2, chlorophyll, PAR

Domsat USF LRGS Receivers Raw data download PostreSQL Data Processing Computer (Perl, C, PHP, Java) Web site Data Download (ASCII, CSV, KML, netCDF) MARVIN Platforms Data Flow Data Dissemination SECOORA ODP and others Data Display GOES WALLOPS Ground Station

MARVIN Raw data message (3 byte Pseudo Ascii)

MARVIN Decoded Data

Computer Systems and Satellite Receivers at USF Data Processing/Web server Computers - Dell Poweredge 2850 (Linux OS) - Dell Poweredge 2850 (Linux OS) - Dell Poweredge 1850 (Linux OS) - Dell Poweredge 1850 (Linux OS) Satellite Receivers and Data acquisition computers - Local Readout Ground Station Receivers (Redundant - Local Readout Ground Station Receivers (Redundant Domestic Satellite: DOMSAT) Domestic Satellite: DOMSAT) - Dell Work Stations (470 and 370) – Linux OS - Dell Work Stations (470 and 370) – Linux OS - Digital Direct Reading Ground Station (DDRGS) - Digital Direct Reading Ground Station (DDRGS) - Windows 95 (looking for funds to upgrade) - Windows 95 (looking for funds to upgrade)

Systems Provided by FWRI to USF Dell Poweredge 2950 Server - 2 – 3 GHz Intel Xeon Processors - 2 – 3 GHz Intel Xeon Processors - 4 GB RAM - 4 GB RAM TB Disk space TB Disk space Dell Optiplex 620 Desktop GHz Intel Pentium Processor GHz Intel Pentium Processor - 2 GB RAM - 2 GB RAM GB disk space GB disk space Dell E197FP 19 inch Flat Panel Monitor Thanks

Technology Used Operating System - Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora) - Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora) - Windows XP - Windows XP Web server and Software Data Display - Apache - JpGraph (Time series) - Apache - JpGraph (Time series) - C, Perl, PHP,KML - Google Earth - C, Perl, PHP,KML - Google Earth Java Java Data Storage Data Dissemination - PostgreSQL - ASCII, CSV, netCDF - PostgreSQL - ASCII, CSV, netCDF - File based WMS, WFS, XML,KML - File based WMS, WFS, XML,KML

MARVIN Data Integration Status Installed LRGS software and Provided access to LRGS servers for monitoring raw data flow of platforms Setup of archival scripts to archive raw data from two MARVIN platforms MARVIN platforms Database Tables setup for the two platforms Inserter scripts for inserting archived data Raw Data decoder script modification Graphing and Data Display Setting up the machines

Integration Status Automate the data inserter script after verification of metadata of the platforms Setting up script for creation of netCDF file for the platforms using SEACOOS CDL standards Making the web pages live.

What way the integration helps? No need to reinvent the wheel for the following - SEACOOS/SECOORA Ocean Data partnership - SEACOOS/SECOORA Ocean Data partnership - Dissemination to NDBC - Dissemination to NDBC - Dissemination to GCOOS - Dissemination to GCOOS - Dissemination to IOOS interoperability - Dissemination to IOOS interoperability Shows Collaboration and Leveraging of technology between USF and FWRI between USF and FWRI Setting up standards for data exchange and usage If there is firewall issue, we can help for other types of data dissemination as well for the ODP etc.