BREAKOUT SESSIONS B1-Stakeholder Network (Co-Chairs: Michael Nyenhuis, Hans-Peter Plag) B2-Advisory Board (Co-Chairs: Douglas Cripe, Stuart Minchin) B3-GEOSS S&T needs: Developing processes for matching research funding and research teams (Co-Chairs: Gilles Ollier, Bente Lilje Bye) B4-Linking GEOSS and S&T in all SBAs (Co-Chairs: Udo Gärtner, Kathy Fontaine)
BREAKOUT SESSIONS B1 AND B2 What to do: –Organize –Agree on working modes –Identify actions –Analyze membership, gaps and steps to close gaps –Solicit inputs What to consider –EGIDA Objectives and Goals
OUTPUTS Stakeholder Network –Objectives, goals –Working Mode –Mode of Participation –Plan of Action Advisory Board –Terms Of Reference –(Co-)Chair(s) –Membership –Working Mode/Meetings/Plan of Action
BREAKOUT SESSIONS B3 AND B4 What to do –Analyze the current situation –Identify necessary actions –Propose an approach
BREAKOUT SESSION B3 Analysis of the current situation – Who are the potential partners for the dialog? – What dialog is taking place with and without GEO? Identify necessary actions – Who should initiate the dialog Propose an approach –Description of processes for communication of research needs and opportunities to funding agencies communication of funding opportunities to GEO joint program developments.
BREAKOUT SESSION B4 Analysis of the current situation –What are the cross-cutting S&T issues? –To what extent are S&T issues in the SBAs cross-linked? –What are the missing links? Identify necessary actions –Depends on the analysis. Propose an approach –Description of a processes for Identification of high-priority cross-cutting S&T issues Improved linkage of S&T issues in the SBAs.
B1-STAKEHOLDERS NETWORK Jörn Hoffmann: The STC Road Map Michael Nyenhuis: The Role of the EGIDA Stakeholder Network in the GEO and GEOSS Context Hans-Peter Plag: Mapping Stakeholders and STC Road Map Giuseppe Manzella: Ensuring Stakeholder Input to the Review of the GEO Work Plan Francoise Pearlman and Jay Pearlman: Using GEOSS Workshops to get Input from Stakeholders in Requirements Russell Lefevre: Reaching Out to S&T Stakeholders Bente Lilja Bye: Using new Media to Connect to Stakeholders in all SBAs :Coffee Break nn: Stakeholder Support for a State-of-the-Art GCI Michael Diepenbroek: PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science) in the Context of the ICSU World Data System (WDS)PANGAEAWDS nn: Integrating Contributions from Commercial Stakeholders nn: Facilitating Resources and Expertise for GEOSS research Holm Voigt: GWSP Presentation and Potential Role in GEO All: Discussion of the Scope, Membership, and Activities of the EGIDA Stakeholder Network Hans-Peter Plag: Membership, Activity Plan, and Working Mode of the EGIDA Stakeholder Network
B3-GEOSS S&T NEEDS: DEVELOPING PROCESSES FOR MATCHING RESEARCH FUNDING AND RESEARCH TEAMS Bente Lilja Bye and Gilles Ollier: Introduction to session — goals/outline of work Per Koch: The OECD Governance of International Co-operation on Science, Technology and Innovation for Global Challenges project - developing methodologies for funding global challenges Maria Uhle: Belmont Forum/ICSU/ISSC Earth Visioning and Earth System Research for Global Sustainability initiative Aris Kaloudis and Per Koch: ERANet- a European tool to fund overarching (national and disciplines) S&T activities :Coffee Break Janos Bogardi: Global Water System Project support mechanism Gilles Ollier: European Commission's funding of GEOSS Douglas Cripe or Alexia Massacand: GEO – overview including workplan and CfP process Stuart Minchin: GEO gap analysis: Identifying research needs All: Discussion
B4-Linking GEOSS and S&T in all SBAs Udo Gärtner and Kathleen Fontaine: Introduction Hans-Peter Plag: The GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology (html)html Jean-Louise Fellous: GEO and Science Wouter Los: Lifewatch :Coffee Break Sergio Cinnirella: Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS)GMOS Roberto Pastres: MEDINA Stefan Winkler-Nees: Research/Data Infrastructures Martin Schultz: Air Quality CoPAir Quality CoP nn: Agriculture CoP Udo Gärtner and Kathleen Fontaine: Wrap-Up