GM Workforce Planning & Modernisation Network 20 th June 2013 Contents HENW Priorities Workforce Planning Process 2013/14 to 2018/19 National Workforce Assurance Tool Health Visitor Update Data Quality Update eWIN
Health Education North West Priorities LETB 4 core transformation priorities Address the impact of the Francis Report and patient safety Delivering a workforce in the right numbers 24/7, with the knowledge and skills to ensure patient safety and a culture which embraces the values and behaviours of the NHS Constitution and supports through positive educational and coaching interventions Manage the economic environment by supporting skill mix changes and developing service improvement skills Ensuring equity and value for money across the entire health economy through creative service solutions including ‘Healthier Together’ Support and develop the transformational changes to the whole workforce including primary care, to reflect the change in services in the North West Building on successes, acclimatise to the new landscape working flexibly and adeptly with new partners and new innovations – spreading our legacy and collaborating with AHSNs Align to the NHS England Mandate and Public Health Outcomes Framework Delivering with partners ‘Healthy Lives, Healthy People: A Public Health Workforce Strategy’ - making sure the patient experience, helping people to live longer and that public health is everyone’s business 10 Strategic Drivers 1.To support a progressive lifelong learning culture 2.To manage the change in services, including community care 3.To deliver Mental Health and Learning Disability priorities 4.To develop real multi-professional team based learning, embracing technology, research and innovation 5.To embed a consistent approach to recruitment based on the NHS Constitution 6.To monitor and support NHS values and behaviours across existing staff 7.To improve the development for healthcare assistants 8.To target and seek solutions for specific vacancy problems 9.To develop an agreed approach to medical workforce planning 10.To develop an agreed approach to primary care workforce planning
Workforce Planning to Workforce Planning: to There are three templates to be completed: Narrative Demand Risks and Issues The deadline for return to Health Education North West is Friday 28 th June 2013 All queries, issues and submissions are to go to Time scales determined by HEE Corporate nationally Workforce Planning: to Narrative The Narrative Template is intended to Link with the Trust workforce strategy and business vision Make a bottom-up assessment of future qualified and non-qualified workforce trajectories Understand any additional changes to demand for education commissioning plans for pre-registration (degree and diploma) and specialist practitioner programmes (post-graduate and masters) Identify critical issues and pinch points in order to inform the development of new roles and targeted workforce initiatives Comprehend the demand for new roles, skills, competencies and pathways that may be required in new build, service re-design and hospital re-development There is now reference to Francis, Values and Culture, Education and Learning, Supporting bands1-4 and nurse to bed ratios and some changes to the Modernisation Section Workforce Planning: to Demand The demand template it is similar to last year and calculates percentage changes in the workforce The template has been developed by Health Education England and influenced by local priorities for the North West The baseline is the actual Staff in Post FTE as at 31 st March 2013 The demand is recorded in establishment FTE i.e. the number that would actually be employed in substantive posts were there are no barriers to that employment (either on the 'supply side' or to address other practical concerns such as holding posts vacant to deliver cost savings) It is acknowledged that different organisations and different areas do things differently Aim to capture a forecast of true underlying staffing requirement Factors which in practice mean fewer staff are actually employed can then be factored in to subsequent discussions and modelling For non-medical we need demand and supply information For Medical & Dental, Healthcare Scientists and Modernisation we need demand Workforce Planning: to Risks and Issues What are the main risks and issues? E.g. Medical and Dental staff Non-Medical staff Gaps in service and rotas Care Pathways Barriers to Service Delivery Primary Care QIPP Skills shortages Competency shortages Overseas recruitment Recruitment Issues What are the solutions and actions? E.g. Recruitment and retention New and expanded roles Demand for newly qualified staff Demand for skilled staff Continuing Professional Development Education and learning management Service reconfigurations
National Workforce Assurance Tool Workforce Assurance Tool NHS Trust Development Agency use Workforce Assurance Tool as part of Foundation Trust pipeline Provide training, primarily for Non Foundation Trusts but also accessible to Foundation Trusts
Health Visitors Health Visitors End of 2012/13 Position The North West was successful in achieving the target of FTE for March-13. The Mar-14 target is Health Visitors North West modelling for 2013/14 takes into account natural turnover, attrition and the outturn of newly qualified students into the Health Visiting workforce. Health Visitors Table below shows the pre modelled trajectories for each of Area Teams as at 2013/14. Area Team directors were asked to consult with the LETBs and submit their local plans to NHS England by the 31 st May 2013.
Data Quality Update: May-13 Data Quality Information o Acute and mental health trust in England data quality results published in Health and Social Care Information Centre report: o Available on HSCIC here or eWINHSCICeWIN o Woven report ex-employees validation limited to leavers since 1 st July 2012 o Woven report GMC/GDC registration validation been corrected. Scores might have changed but are now correct o Emphasis on putting in place strong data collection & validation processes remains Data Quality: North West Score NW retained first place May-12 to May-13 Error count increased by 4409 (28.7%) errors Apr-13 to May-13 Error count increased by 756 (4.9%) errors May-12 to May-13 Data Quality: Priority Areas Data Quality: CHESHIRE & MERSEYSIDE ORGANISATIONS FINAL SCORES Data Quality: CUMBRIA & LANCASHIRE ORGANISATIONS FINAL SCORES Each organisation starts with a perfect score (10,000) and loses a proportional amount of that score for each problem detected by the validation process Each validation is scored individually and is equally weighted The overall score is derived from the sum of the scores for the individual validations and is scaled out of 10,000 Data Quality: GREATER MANCHESTER ORGANISATIONS FINAL SCORES Data Quality: Maximum Scoring Organisations 0 organisations in the North West in May 2013 achieved a maximum score of 10,000 3 organisations achieved a score of 9995: Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust For full ranking please access eWIN’s data quality reports here: Data Quality Full reports on eWIN: direct link To navigate: 1. Select Data Quality in Benchmarking Service 2. Four reports are currently available and a guidance page 3. Demos can be set up on request
Resources. Intelligence. Innovation. o Available in the Local Education and Training Board areas East of England, North West, Thames Valley, Wessex and Yorkshire and the Humber o NHS workforce focused portal designed to support delivery of QIPP, transition and productivity challenges o Aligning to Education Outcomes Framework and HEE and LETB priorities o New eWIN live May 2013 at Resources. Intelligence. Innovation.
Resources. Intelligence. Innovation. eWIN is o A communication platform to drive a culture of sharing knowledge and generating innovation o A repository of good practice case studies, hot topics, bulletins, news and events o A benchmarking service providing valuable workforce indicators and modelling tools
Resources. Intelligence. Innovation. Current Work Programme o Soft launch of eWIN version 2 (May – July 2013) o Champion Network Pilot (May – December 2013) o Testing of new dashboards (May – July 2013) o Pilot of GP Practice Data Collection (June – August 2013) o Implementation of Communities development (June 2013)
Resources. Intelligence. Innovation. New Dashboards o Staff Health Indicators Dashboard o Staff sickness absence reasons – ESR & Staff Survey o Equality and Diversity Dashboard o Profile of workforce by protected characteristics – ESR o Workforce Modernisation Dashboard o Assistant and Advanced Practitioner commissions and workforce o Organisation Profile Tool o Determine who to benchmark against
Resources. Intelligence. Innovation. Membership o Mainly public site, benchmarking and member forum closed to public o As organisations sign up, their employees are able to register as members o Organisations regulate own membership through “Super User” o Simple registration process, training and support available
Resources. Intelligence. Innovation. Value of Membership o Access to closed benchmarking and member forums o Access to closed knowledge documents o Access to closed dedicated workforce planning resources o Influence direction and development of eWIN o Part of eWIN community o All North West trusts are signed up
Resources. Intelligence. Innovation. Contact Liz Thomas Senior Programme Manager Workforce Strategy, Health Education North West
Any Questions or Comments Please?