JUSTreport JENEFER BOBBIN 4 th April 2014 website:
SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING JUSTreport helps SMEs to monitor their social, economic and environmental impacts and market their achievements helps associations, organisations and destinations to monitor their members SERVICES 1.Monitoring tools 2.Help sheets 3.Online support (skype / ) 4.Face-to-face support 5.Report writing 6.Infographic production 7.Verification visit 8.Promotion through our website and social media
WHERE NEXT? keen to move into new destinations encourage more businesses to report work with associations, organisations and destinations to monitor their members WHO WE RELATE TO: Richard Tyler and Laura Thomas, Rural Alliances project in the Breacon Beacons National Park – Control of tourism’s negative impacts and the issues which arise in encouraging local economic development John Swarbrooke – How do we effectively work to make better tourism in destinations Harold Goodwin – How do we provide consumers with the knowledge and confidence to blow the whistle on irresponsible tourism What opportunities does TripAdvisor offer to promote RT?
THANK YOU website: