ERA-MORE & ERA CAREERS Two keys to enhancing researcher’s mobility Kitty Fehringer- DG RESEARCH – Dir C „Universities and Researchers “
Introduction Policy Background ERA MORE. The European network of mobility centres ERA CAREERS. The European Researcher’s mobility Portal „Charter and Code“
Policy Background (I) Europe needs researchers
(1/2000) “Towards a European Research Area” (1/2000) -Need for more abundant and more mobile researchers -Mobility as an instrument for the transfer of scientific knowledge for science and society “High Level Expert Group” on Improving Mobility to Researchers (6/2000 – 4/2001) Policy Background (II)
June 2001 – March 2004 A Mobility Strategy for the European Research Area (COM(2001) 331 final) Resolution from the Council Decision to create a “Steering Group” in February 2002 First Implementation Report 2/2003 Second implementation report 3/2004 Policy Background (III)
Policy Background (IV) The EU’s integrated strategy: Increase EU funding for the training, mobility and career development of researchers; the Marie Curie Actions Improve the environment for researchers in Europe by enhancing mobility and removing obstacles Foster the career development of researchers
A researcher needs to find information and assistance about: available opportunities for researchers (grants, fellowships, vacancies) questions related to admission to the country access to employment, social security rights and fiscal issues aspects related to daily life (cultural issues, languages, housing, schooling…. Policy Background (V)
Policy Background (VI) Following from this strategy: ERAMORE: The European network of mobility centres. Launched June 2004 ERACAREERS: The European Research Mobility Portal. launched July 2003
Categories of Obstacles to mobility: Legal and Administrative Aspects (Visa, Social Security, Taxes, Recognition of Diploma, etc) Social and Cultural Aspects The Career of a Researcher Intersectorial Mobility Academia/Industry
ERA MORE: The European Network of Mobility Centres What is ERA MORE? The aim of ERA MORE What ERA MORE offers
The European Network of mobility centres The European Network of mobility centres: Launched June 2004 Network operational in 2005 Around 200 mobility centres in Europe and numerous contact points National mobility centres are set up by the national bridgehead organisation(s) appointed by the Research Ministry.
The aim of ERA MORE (II) The European Network of mobility centres: Offers customized assistance to researchers and their families before, during and after their move abroad
The aim of ERA MORE (II) Each Mobility Centre: Acts as a point of entry for researchers looking for practical information and guidance Fulfils its information and assistance task either by direct proximity assistance or by directing the person(s) concerned to the appropriate specialised centre
ERA MORE offers you : Visas Work permits Accommodation Legal issues Social security, health and taxes Everyday life Family support And MORE…
The European Researcher’s Mobility Portal (I) Launched July 2003 Single Entry Point for: –Researchers looking to advance their career in another European country –Organisations wishing to recruit the most talented European and non-European researchers
The European Researcher’s Mobility Portal (II)
The European Researcher’s Mobility Portal (III) Virtual job market: vacancy and CV database Funding and job opportunities in 32 European countries Job vacancies funded by the Marie Curie Actions Access to 32 national Researcher’s Mobility Portals Links to international research careers Link to the electronic newsletter « Europe4Researchers » Personalised assistance through ERA-MORE
Charter and Code (I) Recommendation on the « European Researchers’ Charter and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers » adopted by the Commission on 11 March Huge differences in career structures in European countries Fragmentation at local/regional/national level Protected, if not closed, non-transparent recruitment procedures Lack of career development prospects
« Charter » as reference point for the career management of researchers as professionals, addressing both researchers and employers/funders on minimum rights and obligations « Code of Conduct » as reference point for transparency and merit based recruitment, fair recognition of qualifications and mobility experiences Implemented by MS and other actors on a voluntary basis Charter and Code (II)
“ visa“ package “Scientific visa“ package Directive and two Recommendations aiming at the improvement of condition of admission of third Country Researchers in Europe (adopted by Council October 2005) Fast track procedure for researchers Involvement of research organisations (“hosting agreement”) Transposition in national law ongoing
ERA-Link Networking tool for European researchers in the US registered researchers from 24 Member States Types of activity: networking of researchers, information dissemination, career fairs, helping expatriate researchers to collaborate with colleagues in Europe or to return to Europe. ERA-Link website informs about: sources of research funding in Europe, research career opportunities in Europe, conferences and training courses.
FP7 « People » + Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity People – Marie Curie Actions Cooperation – Collaborative research JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom
FP7 « People » Specific Programme « People » budget of € 4,75 billion over 7 years (€ 0.68 billion/year ) = almost 50% budget rise on average annual basis (FP 6 budget was € 0.45 billion /year) From pure « mobility actions » to a dedicated programme for structuring training, mobility and career development
Initial training * Initial Training Networks* Initial training * Initial Training Networks* Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships / European Reintegration Grants Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships / European Reintegration Grants Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes Industry dimension * Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways* Industry dimension * Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways* International dimension * Outgoing & Incoming* International Fellowships; International Cooperation Scheme; International Reintegration grants; Support to researchers’ ‘diasporas’* International dimension * Outgoing & Incoming* International Fellowships; International Cooperation Scheme; International Reintegration grants; Support to researchers’ ‘diasporas’* Specific actions Mobility and career enhancement actions; Excellence awards Specific actions Mobility and career enhancement actions; Excellence awards * Open to third-country nationals FP7 « People »
More information The European Researcher’s Mobility Portal The ERA-MORE network ERA-link (European Researchers Abroad- link): FP7: FP7: EU DG Research EU DG Research: