Review for Final Exam Fall 2014 Jeff Offutt SWE 632 User Interface Design and Development
632 - Final Review2 Parameters 4:30 – 7:15 Same room Closed book / closed notes / closed neighbor Covers readings, slides, and homeworks Only covers material since the midterm –NOT cumulative You may take a break (not all together) Spread out – Do NOT sit next to your friends © Offutt
Concepts Design for the user Usability The 7 2 rule Five measurable criteria Syntactic & semantic knowledge Assessments and assertions Mental models Etiquette and posture Flow in UIs Excise and revenue tasks Data entry Error integrity vs. data immunity Final Review© Offutt3
Concepts (2) Preventing and handling errors Error messages Information in the world & information in the head Accessibility and globalization Visual elements Proper use of color Obect-verb vs. verb-object design Desktop GUI structure Menus GUI controls Mobile Uis—gestures, controls, navigation, etc Sorting and filtering Final Review© Offutt4
Concepts (2) Web UIs Don’t make me think Nielsen’s top 10 mistakes on the web Game UIs Controls and dialogs Usable security –Usability and security do not have to conflict –Most security experts do not understand usability –Usability is not the same as UI design –Usability is necessary to achieve security –Making access harder for legitimate users does not improve security –Usable security is about pain points, not process Final Review© Offutt5
632 - Final Review6 Preparing & Format Re-read the text and handouts Study the homework assignments Get a good night’s sleep Different kinds of questions –Short answer –T / F –M / C –Single answer questions –Problem solving © Offutt
632 - Final Review7 Final Grades 5% participation, 20% UI evaluations, 25% semester project, 25% midterm exam, 25% final Unbiased grading – compute and sort: >= 98 : A+ – Probably only one A+ per class > 93 : A > 90 : A- > 86 : B+ > 80 : B > 75 : B- > 65 : C I will “slide the line” down to an appropriate “break point” © Offutt