Sam Samra-CDG CDMA Development Group
CDGOperators Subscriber Equipment Network Infrastructure Network Enhancement/ Optimization Revenue Management/ Enhancement Network Interface & Access The CDG is a consortium of nearly 100 member companies, representing 14 countries around the world. Members are dedicated to offering cdmaOne-related products and services TelecomServices
Organization Leadership Council Steering Committee Technical Teams International Interest Groups Promotions Conferences Education Executive Board Global Strategy Group Worldwide Standards & Association Liaison
cdmaOne Worldwide Commercial System Trial Operation Commercial Agreement Completed Trial 41 countries worldwide January 2000
Subscribers - 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 60,000,000 Sep- 97 Dec- 97 Mar- 98 Jun- 98 Sep- 98 Dec- 98 Mar- 99 Jun- 99 Sep- 99 Dec- 99 Asia PacificNorth America Caribbean & Latin AmericaEurope, Middle East & Africa
Conferences CDMA Australia & new Zealand congress May 3-5, 2000-Sidney 5 TH ANNUAL CDMA world congress June 12-16, 2000-Hong Kong CDMA south America congress July 17-19, 2000-Rio DE JANEIRO 2000 cdma Americas congress Oct 25-27, 2000-San DIEGO
System Test To provide cdmaOne with an efficient and effective process for verifying the interoperability of MS and BS and verifying the performance of cdmaOne system Objectives Keep interoperability test documents up to date Stage 2 Stage 3 Optional System Performance Tests-end user perspective Audio Quality Talk/Standby time PRL
Identify and resolve cdmaOne interoperability issues Objectives Monitor technology deployment for issues that need industry resolution Deal with interoperability issues identified by STT IA T
MS Certification work with CTIA in maintaining and improving the certifications program that ensures that MS meet the quality expectation of customers and satisfy the published industry Standards Objectives Encourage test equipment vendors to develop more test capability Encourage better participation in the program Audit its testing Provide input to test plan if and when required Jointly develop criteria to assess program performance Work with CTIA to develop Stage 2 test capability
Assess the overall process of mobile station certification and recommend improvement to reduce cycle time Objectives Review and base line the current processes identify., list, and prioritize potential areas for improvement Evaluate the impact and benefits of proposed changes Revise and evaluate the new process MSVP Improvement
Location Technology To provide cdmaOne the capability to locate wireless callers and meet the FCC E911 location mandate Objectives Determine how to satisfy E911 Phase 2 requirements To act as liaison with government and industry group Foster development and conduct trial of location technology Determine test criteria and performance goals Propose system interface and handset requirements Work with industry standard organizations Establish procedures and methods to certify system performance Cell Site Solution (Oct, 01) 100m - 67% and 300m - 95% of the time Handset Solution (Mar, 01) 50m – 67% and 150m – 95% of the time
Tiered Services To provide cdmaOne the capability to offer private, semi-private, and residential services to subscribers that are competitive with other digital network offering Objectives Describe user requirements for private/semi- private/residential Provide technical solutions, procedures, and implementation guide Private and public service Private service only Residential and public service Residential Service Only Determine changes required in current/emerging standards
Advanced Systems Provide a growth path for cdmaOne to next generation systems Objectives Facilitate Development of worldwide standard to meet IMT2000 requirements Facilitate Harmonization of CDMA air interfaces Definition of family of systems concept Evaluation of spectrum issues
Evolution Team Rapidly define requirements and standards evolution for cdmaone and cdma2000 systems Objectives Provide a graceful evolution of cdmaOne to next generation system Ensure carrier requirements are being addressed in the standards development process Facilitate Development of worldwide standard to meet IMT2000 requirements
IOTA Handset Mgt Develop IP based OTA standards requirements for cdmaOne handset configuration management for cost effective alternatives Objectives Propose an alternative architecture for OTA that will support OTASP, OTAPA, OTASD and OTAMD Identify and Facilitate necessary changes to existing/emerging standards
Objectives Promote the openness of cdmaOne network in the industry Leverage Sprint PCS IOS to develop CDG reference documents Facilitate field trials and sharing of test results Synchronize IOS to rest of the standard under development Align this interface with cdma2000 workIOS Contribute to the success of cdmaOne by further defining the interoperability of A interface
Data Team Enhance wireless IP packet data standards to provide high speed data capability to cdmaOne systems Objectives Develop Mobile IP guidelines Complete SO7 implementation guidelines Develop suitable billing model for SO7 Encourage active carrier participation
Address all technical aspects associated with enabling wireless internet and data services over cdmaone and cdma2000 networks Objectives Provide contribution to standards bodies Identify necessary standard changes Establish relationship with key industry groups and forums Develop intermediate implementation guidelines Determine testing requirements for STT Address technical challenges of developing data applications Wireless I&I Services
Address and share lessons learned (among operators) for enabling the rapid roll out of wireless data services over cdmaone and cdma2000 networks Objectives Address interoperability issues Address billing systems issues Address roaming issues Address Testing procedures Address security and fraud aspects Next generation iwf functionality, etc Wireless I&I Services
Champion cdmaOne and cdma2000 as the worldwide solution for WLL applications Objectives Develop collateral material and public awareness Increase industry awareness-potential market opportunity Identify necessary standard changes to support WLL Ensure WLL requirements are addressed in 3G systems Promote open interfaces – network/terminalsWLL
Facilitate deployment of international roaming service for cdmaone operators around the world Objectives Facilitate Development of open standards and interfaces Work with individual carriers to understand and deploy roaming infrastructure Develop interface specification for use by operators implementing oaming Evaluate evrc, interoperability, fraud management, and uim implementation issues International Roaming
Evaluate Spectrum issues pertaining to 2G deployment worldwide as well as IMT-2000 systems Objectives Provide operators with options on addressing these issues Assess 3G services capabilities and impact on spectrum Formulate guiding principles that can be used to communicate to governments agencies worldwideSpectrum