mobil-net The trade union network of mobility advisers for professional & managerial staff SINTTAV Conference: Promote Workers’ Mobility in the European Telecom and Media Sectors – Dialogue, Partnership and Action LISBON, 27 January 2007
EUROCADRES Membership: Organisations linked with ETUC: more than 5 million professionals and managers throughout Europe. Working in all branches of industry, both manufacturing and service, and in the civil and public services. Social partner: EUROCADRES is recognised by the European Commission as a European social partner: participates in social dialogue at European level Contributes to Communications from European Commission, Green papers, Consultations, …
Mobility: a key issue Recognition of qualifications and diplomas Supplementary Pensions Enlargement Implementation of mobil-net (In 2000 with the support of the European Commission)
mobil-net: the 1 st project Mobilnet was founded in 1999, and a first project was introduced 1 st training course: spring 2000 Handbook published Catch-up day
mobil-net Charter EUROCADRES affiliates will assist individual members of other affiliates who seek information and advice on employment and related labour market issues. EUROCADRES affiliates will provide mobile members with information about EUROCADRES affiliates in other European countries. EUROCADRES affiliates may, when signing the Charter, specify whether in addition they are willing to offer the following: access for mobile members of other EUROCADRES affiliates to all or some services provided by the host union legal assistance in cases of dispute with the employer (it will be offered under certain circumstances)
mobil-net: a network of advisers There should be a mobilnet adviser in every European (Union) country Professionals and managers should contact the adviser in their home country before leaving Contact with adviser in new country will be made Services range from general information to checking the employment contract and further Our advantage: we are biased!
mobil-net: other steps Relaunch of website, inclusion of (some) new and candidate countries Discussion of European Works Councils and mobility Discussion of the tax and legal situation of professional and managerial staff (P&MS)
Next steps Mobility of professional and managerial staff at different ages Mobility and career development of professional and managerial staff ENGCARD (run by FEANI)
Added value Direct service for members We are partial! European network as added value for trade unions Other projects have grown out of this network
Have a look at our website mobilnet/