Review of West Virginias SDWA Data Availability By: Rick Shaver – Geologist III
West Virginia has the primary SDWA enforcement authority. Lead Agency in West Virginia - DHHR/BPH/OEHS/EED Under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), EPA sets standards for approximately 90 contaminants in drinking water.Safe Drinking Water Act
Inorganic Alkalinity, Nitrate, pH, etc. Microbiological Turbidity, Total & Fecal Coliform, E. coli. Volatile Organics Benzene, Toluene, Xylene. Metals Aluminum, Arsenic, Lead, etc. Synthetic Organics Chlordane, Toxaphene, PCBs.
For each of these contaminants, EPA sets a legal limit, called a maximum contaminant level, or requires a certain treatment.maximum contaminant level Water suppliers may not provide water that doesn't meet these standards. Public Water Supply Systems must submit finished water quality data to the state.
Population of West Virginia ~ 1.8 million with ~ 1.4 million served by Public Water Supplies. Public water systems include the following: Community water systems Non-community non-transient water systems Non-community transient water systems Community Systems – Groundwater 128 Surface Water (~76% of population) 17 GWUDI Non-Community System – Groundwater 14 Surface Water 8 GWUDI
Drinking Water Watch will provide online information on the quality of water produced by community water supplies in West Virginia. The Drinking Water Watch Web Portal will allow citizens to directly access drinking water monitoring data and other information for community water systems in West Virginia. The information is of interest not only to consumers of the water supply but nearby private well owners can also quickly check on potential contamination threats. Although water supplies are required to directly notify customers of any violations of federal drinking water standards and provide an annual Consumer Confidence Report, the web site increases the accessibility of information to the public. Anticipate late 2009 or early 2010 for release.
West Virginia Bureau for Public Health Office of Environmental Health Services Environmental Engineering Division Charleston, WV (304)
Rick Shaver 304/