Field Geology Quiz - off to the moon to do geology – or is that selenology To accompany use of From the Earth to the Moon – Episode 10
Dave Scott Genesis Rock
Lee Silver
Farouk El Baz
Gene Shoemaker Meteor Crater
What is the mystery of the dead cat? What does that have to do with being a field geologist?
What does context mean? –(in a field geology sense)
What is a suite? –(not the hotel room!! In terms of field geology! )
The rocks of an area tell a __________.
What do the rocks of the Big Island tell us?
How did the astronauts get the Big Picture?
What was the point of the video?
What was the name of the Astronaut / Geologist? What was the name of the CalTech geologist / professor? What was the name of the crazy moon guy?
Gems Gem name | Color(s) | What country A> | | B> | | C> | | D> | | Name the gem made by an animal. _______
Hadley Rille – site of Apollo 15 landing East side of Mare Imbrium
EVA on Apollo 15
Hadley Rille and rover